HazSite Tables and Fields for the Electronic Data Submittal Application-Version 7 (EDSA7)

This document explains EDSA7 on a field-by-field basis. New fields or changes to the fields have been highlighted in Bold text. The component tables and fields are detailed below. By way of a general discussion of the tables and fields, it should be noted that EDSA7 (like all prior versions) reviews tabular data by field position. You will note that the first column in the description of the tables (below) contains the field position. Because EDSA programs check data by column position, omitting a column can often result in thousands of errors! It is critically important that all columns be retained in each table, even if no data are to be stored in the column. While NJDEP attempted to use simple, meaningful names for the columns, many end-users have had (and continue to have) misconceptions about some of the columns. We have attempted to clarify names in the EDSA error messages as well as in this webpage.

Table Definitions

Different colored rows correspond to different requirements. Those details as well as the field datatypes can be found in the EDI Manual.


Position Field Name Aka Name
1 Directory -
2 Desc -
4 Consultant -
5 Phase -
6 Status -
7 Transmit -
8 Submitdate -
9 Packnum -
10 Contactnam -
11 Contacttel -
12 Contactext -
13 Contactema -

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Position Field Name Aka Name
2 Sampdate -
3 Sampnum -
4 Samptime -
5 DupSamp SampDup
6 Matrix SampMatrix
7 Fieldid FieldLocId
8 Aocid -
9 Lat_degree -
10 Lat_minute -
11 Lat_second -
12 Lon_degree -
13 Lon_minute -
14 Lon_second -
15 Sp_x -
16 Sp_y -
17 Depth_top Depth_Samp_Top
18 Depth_botm Depth_Samp_Botm
19 GroundElev -
20 Well_elev WellElev
21 Samptype SamLocType
22 Datetolab -
23 Sampmethod -
24 Sampnote -
25 Submitdate -
26 Qaqc -
27 Coordmeth -
28 Coordnote -
29 GWDepthPri DepToGwPrior
30 GWDepthPos DepToGwPost
31 Screentop ScreenTopDepth
32 Screenbot ScreenBotDepth
33 Wellpermit -
34 Srp_dir -
35 Samplabid LABID

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Position Field Name Aka Name
2 Sampdate -
3 Sampnum -
4 Labid Samplabid
5 Tdanalyz Danalyz
6 Labname -
7 Njdlabcert -
8 Resulttype -
9 Analtparam -
10 Cas -
11 Filtunfilt FieldFilt
12 Conc -
13 Concunits -
14 Qaqual -
15 Mdl -
16 Quanttype -
17 Quantlevel -
18 Anlys_mthd AnlysMethd
20 Uncor_conc -
21 Uncor_unit -
22 Reten_time -
23 Dilut_fac -
24 Prep_mthd -
25 Clnup_mthd -

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Field Descriptions




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Valid Values


PI Preliminary Investigation
SI Site Investigation
RI Remedial Investigation
RA Remedial Action
RAO Remedial Action Outcome
MP Monitoring Permit


See EDI Manual


See EDI Manual


See EDI Manual


See EDI Manual


See EDI Manual


See EDI Manual


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General Errors

Primary Key Fields

More details on SAMPNUM

The Primary Key is defined as one or more fields which, taken together, can be used to identify a single unique row in the Parent Table. The Parent Table in this case is the HZSAMPLE table. It contains information about samples collected in the field. A Child Table contains multiple rows (a One-to-Many relationship) of data that are related to the Parent Table. In this case, the HZRESULT table is the child table because it has many analytical results (one per row) that are related to a single row in the HZSAMPLE table. In the HZRESULT table, duplicate records include ANALTPARAM as a part of the primary key to the HZRESULT table. This means that results having more than one unique result row for a single SAMPNUM are counted as duplicates and an error counted for each row. A final requirement for key fields is that they cannot be empty (null).

Orphan Records: "Orphan Records" are records that have information in the Child Table with no matching records in the Parent Table. For instance, in the example in Figure 1 below, if any one of the three highlighted key fields were changed in HZSAMPLE (e.g. if SAMPDATE was changed to 2/28/2008) all of the related HZRESULT records would become "orphans" because they no longer correspond to the "parent" record. For more information about Parent and Child records see the section on the Primary Keys

No Results (Orphans) Error Message: No result records found for sample.

Explanation: Records in HZRESULT exist with no match in HZSAMPLE. This can be caused by a mismatch in the SAMPNUM or SAMPDATE fields between the two tables. If they do not match, Childless records (in HZSAMPLE) or Orphan records (in HZRESULT) may be found.

SRPID Character 24
SAMPNUM Character 50

The Electronic Data Submittal Application (EDSA) uses a three-field Primary Key: SRPID + SAMPDATE (as a character expression of the date) + SAMPNUM. These three fields exist in both the HZSAMPLE and the HZRESULT tables.

Figure 1:

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Error Message: Example: This SampLabId (new required field in HZSAMPLE that is related to LABID in HZRESULT) associated with multiple samples: 02/25/2008 195770 AND 02/25/2008 195771

Error Message: Analyte or parameter duplicates another that appears in 1 record(s) above. Each duplicate analysis of a sample requires a unique SAMPNUM.

Explanation: Please note (for the second error message) that there are 2 sets of the same analytes, Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Toluene and total Xylenes (with Benzene highlighted in red) for SAMPNUM = 1; The primary key uses SAMPDATE and SAMPNUM, therefore the two records are "duplicates". See Primary Key

Corrected File; Duplicates remedied:

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Error Message: Table structure problem. Missing at least 1 expected field.

Explanation: Missing columns will cause each succeeding column to be evaluated according to the rules for the column to its immediate left in the table. This will normally result in hundreds or even thousands of errors. If no data exist for a particular column (e.g. AOCID), leave the column in the table and input no data to that column.

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Error Message: In DAO.Workspace err3274 - External table isn't in the expected format. Format differs from what file extension indicates. Opening file with Excel may help to confirm

Explanation: This error message occurs when one or more of the fields in HZSAMPLE or HZRESULT have are incorrectly structured or not in the proper order. Please check the table structure listed below to ensure the each field has the correct Field Name, is of the right type and that it conforms to the required size.

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Error Message: An entire record of table is empty.

Explanation: EDSA encountered a row within a table (HZSAMPLE or HZRESULT) that contains ALL EMPTY FIELDS.

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Error Message: Empty or corrupted table? RecordCount= 0 EOF= True.

Explanation: EDSA has encountered an entire table that has ALL BLANK ROWS (no data).

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CAS Lookup

Error Message Examples:

Error 3_08_A Example: NJDLabCert (AKA Lab Cert Num)= 12543; Anlys_Mthd= 200.7; ResultType= A; AnaltParam= COBALT; CAS= 1330-20-7; FiltUnfilt= WARNING 3_08_A Inconsistent name: This table reports different AnaltParam: CHROMIUM with same NJDLabCert (AKA Lab Cert Num), ResultType, CAS, FiltUnfilt, Anlys_Mthd

Explanation: The error above is an example of the same CAS number being used for both Cobalt and Chromium. This is an obvious error. NJDEP does not pick out the correct analyte based on CAS because it is not possible to tell whether the error was based on the wrong name and right CAS number or vice-versa.

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Error Message: AnaltParam= Potassium; CAS= 9/7/7440; Anlys_Mthd= 200.7

Explanation: Excel converts Potassium's CAS # 7440-09-7 to a date format. If the cell in Microsoft's Excel program is set to its default value of "General" data, this CAS number is converted to a date format 9/7/7440. Other variants of the conversion may be 9/7/40 (which evaluates to 9/7/1940) or to 2023695, which is the serial date format.

How do I fix this error? The best remedy for this error is to set the default number format for all cells to "@" or "Text" on the "Style" sub-menu of the "Format" menu of Excel. Select the column of cells to format, then select Format -->> Style from the Excel menu. Choose Modify and modify the Number format to: Custom -->> @.

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Error Message: All 9 nonblank samples share one coordinate location

Explanation: Each unique location must have a unique X and Y coordinate. A unique location is defined by the same FIELDID + X-coordinate + Y-coordinate for each distinct location that was collected in the field. There is now an absolute requirement for distinct X and Y locations that are submitted in either Latitude and Longitude or State Plane X and Y coordinates. Where both are submitted, they must agree as to the actual location of the sample. For further explanation, see FIELDID XY explanation

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Date errors

Error Message: Required DTST.SUBMITDATE is empty. EDSA attempts to check EDD without it.

Explanation: EDSA7 recognizes that the date of submission was omitted, but will check HZSAMPLE and HZRESULT for errors and regard the omission as a warning.

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Error Message: SUBMITDATE, DATETOLAB, SAMPDATE later than file datetimestamp.

Explanation: The SUBMITDATE in HZSAMPLE should be earlier than the date stamp that indicates when the file was last modified (i.e. the file cannot be created before the sampling was conducted).

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Error Message: SUBMITDATE, DATETOLAB, SAMPDATE [or TDANALYZ] later than today's date

Explanation: The date of sampling must be earlier than today's date. Each of these dates should be no later than the date when the checker is running. If one is later, please correct any typographical error in the date.

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Error Message: SUBMITDATE, DATETOLAB, SAMPDATE or TDANALYZ earlier than 1950.

Explanation: The Site Remediation Program's Data requirements mostly began in the 1980's (1970's in some cases). Electronic Data Deliverable have been required since July 18, 1997. Submissions pre-dating these dates cannot be correct and may cause problems in the correct evaluation of progress in remediating a site, therefore, such dates will not be accepted.

If this error is found in the DTST.SUBMITDATE or HZSAMPLE.SUBMITDATE fields, it may be a problem that is inherent in the Lotus 123 format, which defaults all dates to the 1900's; dBase (DBF) files may also cause such errors because there is a system variable (CENTURY) that must be set to "ON" to prevent DBF's from defaulting to the 1900's.

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Error Message:

Explanation: The date order is checked, events happen in a specific chronological order.

Order Table Field Explanation
1 HZSAMPLE SAMPDATE Date of sampling (primary key field)
1 HZRESULT SAMPDATE Date of sampling (primary key field)
2 HZSAMPLE DATETOLAB Date samples were delivered to lab
3 HZRESULT DANALYZ Date lab analyzed samples
4   timestamp Date file was created
5 DTST SUBMITDATE Date EDD was submitted to NJDEP

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Error Message: DANALYZ Earlier than SampDate in HZRESULT record OR DANALYZ Later than SubmitDate in DTST table

Explanation: The main error associated with the Date Analyzed Field is that this date cannot be earlier than either the sample date (SAMPDATE) or the Submission date (SUBMITDATE).

Error Message: DATETOLAB earlier than SAMPDATE

Error Message: SAMPDATE later than DATETOLAB

Explanation: Sampling date must occur before sending the samples to the lab.

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