Connecting with Our Peers & the Public
DRBC staff at the 2019 Frenchtown Riverfest. Photo Courtesy of the Steamboat SPLASH. 
DRBC staff at the 2019 Frenchtown Riverfest.
Photo Courtesy of the Steamboat SPLASH. 

DRBC recognizes the value of working with its partners in government, as well as with Basin stakeholders and the general public.

We also understand the importance of providing educational information on Commission programs and the Delaware River Basin to a variety of audiences.

DRBC Public Outreach Efforts

Advisory Committees: Our advisory committees provide a forum for the exchange of information and viewpoints on a variety of issues, enhancing communication and coordination. All DRBC Advisory Committee Meetings are open to the public.

Our Shared Waters: The DRBC's outreach efforts come together under the umbrella program Our Shared Waters, which aims to educate about and foster stewardship for our shared water resources. Connecting with our publics and stakeholders enables staff to share information about the Basin and how we are working to manage, protect and improve its waters.

Speaking Engagements: Staff are often asked to speak on water resource management and related technical issues at conferences, workshops and seminars. And, at times, staff are invited to provide testimony before state and federal legislative branches about issues on which they have expertise.

Hosting Delegations: The DRBC has hosted delegations from foreign counties who want to learn more about how we manage the Basin's water resources.

Additional Online DRBC Resources

Educational Info for Students and Teachers: The DRBC also has compiled information for students and teachers to help educate about the Basin and water resources. In addition to all things water, learn about the Basin's connection to baseball, fun Basin activities and why we call our sandwiches hoagies. 

Public Service Projects: Another effort that is important to DRBC staff is helping out in our Basin communities. Staff have volunteered their time for a variety of public service projects over the years, from river and park cleanups to work at a local food bank.

DRBC Primer: Learn more about DRBC by reading our Primer (pdf) 

DRBC FAQ: Check out our FAQ webpage.

Newsbytes Archive: Visit our Newsbytes Archive to learn more about the various outreach-related activities we've participated in over the years.

Basin Information: Check out our Basin Information webpage for information about the river and Basin.

Keep Up to Date

Sign-up for information on DRBC Education/Stewardship activities