Environmental Health

Lead Training Agency Application Information

Information on how to become a NJ-certified training provider.

Training Disciplines

The NJDOH approves training providers [pdf 25k] for both first time and refresher training courses in the following disciplines:

  • Lead Inspector/Risk Assessors for Housing and Public Buildings
  • Lead Abatement Planner/Project Designers for Housing and Public Buildings
  • Lead Abatement Workers for Housing and Public Buildings
  • Lead Abatement Supervisors for Housing and Public Buildings
  • Lead Abatement Workers for Commercial Buildings and Superstructures
  • Lead Abatement Supervisors for Commercial Buildings and Superstructures
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First-Time Lead Training Agency Applications

Whenever applying for any of the disciplines listed above, your application must include all of the following:

All students who take the initial course in certain disciplines (see below), must complete a Statement of Education and Experience Requirements certification prior to taking training. The student must completely review the requirements and then sign the statement, which indicates that they both understand and meet the permit qualification requirements for that discipline. Please note: Signing the certifcation does not guarantee approval of the permit application.

Click on each link below for the statement:

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Renewing a Lead Training Agency Certification

The Renewal Application for Lead Training Agency Certification [EHS-2] must include and/or meet the following requirements:

  • A complete application for renewal of certification shall be submitted at least 30 calendar days prior to its expiration
  • The applicant must certify that all of the information contained in the original application is still accurate, or where applicable, has updated such information.
  • If applicable, all outstanding penalties imposed on the applicant have been paid
  • The applicant has exhibited competence, integrity and responsibility
  • The applicant has submitted a certified statement, bearing the signature of an agency representative, that the training agency can operate in compliance with N.J.A.C. 8:62
  • A non-refundable biennial application fee of $500 for each discipline, must be included with application.  Payment must be in the form of a certified check, money order (made payable to the "New Jersey Department of Health") or e-payment

Please Note: Any application that does not comply with the above, shall be treated as a new application. Any certification that has lapsed, shall be treated as a new application.

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Last Reviewed: 9/13/2022