Archived Public Notices

Date of Publication and Register Citation



Important Dates

October 16, 2023

55 N.J.R. 2213(a)

Notice of Certificate of Need Review Cycles and Submission Dates


The Commissioner


September 18, 2023

55 N.J.R. 2030(b)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner


September 5, 2023

55 N.J.R. 1967(a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Pediatric Intensive Care Beds


The Commissioner


August 7, 2023

55 N.J.R. 1761(b)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Renal Dialysis
Staffing Requirements for Inpatient Dialysis Services
N.J.A.C. 8:43G-30.6


The Commissioner


April 17, 2023

55 N.J.R. 763(b)

Notice of Certificate of Need Review Cycles and Submission Dates


The Commissioner


March 6, 2023

55 N.J.R. 433(b)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner


February 21, 2023

55 N.J.R. 325(a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Home Health Care Services


The Commissioner


February 6, 2023

55 N.J.R. 219(a)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Approval of a Nurse Aide in Long-Term Care Facilities Training Program
Eligibility Criteria for Evaluators in Training Programs for Long Term Care Facility Nurse Aides
N.J.A.C. 8:39-43.10


The Commissioner


February 6, 2023

55 N.J.R. 218(c)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Psychiatric Beds and Services


The Commissioner


February 6, 2023

55 N.J.R. 218(b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management


The Commissioner


February 6, 2023

55 N.J.R. 218(a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Maternal and Child Health Services


The Commissioner


January 3, 2023

55 N.J.R. 75(d)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Ventilator Care


The Commissioner


January 3, 2023

55 N.J.R. 75(c)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Pediatric Care


The Commissioner


January 3, 2023

55 N.J.R. 75(b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Inpatient Rehabilitation Beds and Services


The Commissioner


December 5, 2022

54 N.J.R. 2242(a)

Notice of Final Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Certificate of Need: Application and Review Process
Expedited Review Process
Certificate of Need: Cardiac Diagnostic Facilities and Cardiac Surgery Centers
Hospital Licensing Standards
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Policies and Procedures
N.J.A.C. 8:33-5.1 and 8:33 Appendix A; 8:33E; and 8:43G-7.28

Health Systems Branch

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing


November 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 2111(a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking

Definitions and Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Medical Director and Physicians

N.J.A.C 8:111-1.3 and 1.4

Health Systems Branch

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing


October 3, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1931(b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Pediatric Intensive Care Beds


The Commissioner


October 3, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1931(a)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

September 19, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1857(b)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Standards For Licensure of Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Definitions and Qualifications
Qualifications and Responsibilities of the Medical Director and Physicians
N.J.A.C. 8:111-1.3 and 1.4


The Commissioner


September 19, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1857(a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Hospital Licensing Standards
Infection Control
Sepsis Protocols
N.J.A.C. 8:43G-14.9

Health Systems Branch

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing


August 15, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1648(a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Mobile Intensive Care Unit Programs


The Commissioner


August 1, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1560(c)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Designation as a Trauma Center


The Commissioner


June 20, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1212(b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call fo Maternal and Child Health


The Commissioner


June 6, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1105(b)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking

Definitions and Patient Rights

N.J.A.C. 8:43G-1.2 and 4.1(a)


The Commissioner


June 6, 2022

54 N.J.R. 1105(a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Home Health Care Services


The Commissioner

July 1, 2022

May 16, 2022

54 N.J.R. 920(a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Transplantation


The Commissioner

April 1, 2022

April 4, 2022

54 N.J.R. 667(a)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner

July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

March 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 458(b)

Notice of Certificate of Need Review Cycles and Submission Dates


The Commissioner


March 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 458(a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New General Hospitals


The Commissioner


March 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 457(c)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Ventilator Care


The Commissioner

Next Call scheduled for January 2, 2023

March 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 457(b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management


The Commissioner

Next Call scheduled for January 2, 2023

March 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 457(a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Pediatric Care


The Commissioner

Next Call scheduled for January 2, 2023

February 7, 2022

54 N.J.R. 284(a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking
Approval of a Nurse Aide in Long-Term Care Facilities Training Program
Eligibility Criteria for Instructor/Evaluators in Training Programs for Long-Term Care Facility Nurse Aides

N.J.A.C. 8:39-43.10

Health Systems Branch

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing



November 15, 2021

53 N.J.R. 1935(a)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking   

Definitions; Patient Rights

N.J.A.C. 8:43G-1.2  and 4.1(a)7


The Commissioner


November 1, 2021

53 N.J.R. 1866(a)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking
Approval of a Nurse Aide in Long-Term Care Facilities Training Program
Eligibility Criteria for Instructor/Evaluators in Training Programs for Long-Term Care Facility Nurse Aides

N.J.A.C. 8:39-43.10 Eligibility Criteria for Instructors


The Commissioner


August 16, 2021

53 N.J.R. 1404(c)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner

July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022

May 17, 2021

53 N.J.R. 953 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management


The Commissioner

Next Call scheduled for January 2, 2022

May 3, 2021

53 N.J.R. 751 (a) 


Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend

Health Care Administration Board

Monthly Meeting Dates for 2021


The Commissioner

Please see link

April 19, 2021

53 N.J.R. 649 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Comprehensive Rehabilitation Beds


The Commissioner

March 1, 2021

April 19, 2021

53 N.J.R. 649 (c) 

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New General Hospitals


The commissioner

April 1, 2021

April 19, 2021

53 N.J.R. 649 (a) 

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Burn Center Programs or Units


The Commissioner

April 1, 2021

April 19, 2021

53 N.J.R. 648 (b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Ventilator Care


The Commissioner

January 2, 2022

April 19, 2021

53 N.J.R. 648 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Pediatric Care


The Commissioner

January 2, 2022

March 15, 2021

53 N.J.R. 435 (a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Pediatric Care


The Commissioner


March 15, 2021

53 N.J.R. 435 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management



The Commissioner


March 15, 2021

53 N.J.R. 435 (c)  

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Ventilator Care


The Commissioner


February 16, 2021

53 N.J.R. 273 (a)

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Programs


The Commissioner


January 19, 2021

53 N.J.R. 137 (a)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking

Certificate of Need: Application and Review Process

Expedited Review Process

Certificate of Need: Cardiac Diagnostic Facilities and Cardiac Surgery Centers

Hospital Licensing Standards


Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Policies and Procedures

N.J.A.C. 8:33-5.1 and 8:33 Chapter Appendix A, 8:33E, and 8:43G-7.28


The Commissioner


January 4, 2021

53 N.J.R. 86 (a)

Notice of Certificate of Need Review Cycles and Submission Dates


The Commissioner

See link

December 21, 2020

52 N.J.R. 2203 (a)

New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board - State Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report


Human Services

Submit Comments by February 19, 2021

December 7, 2020

52 N.J.R. 2144(a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Pediatric Intensive Care (PIC) Beds


The Commissioner



August 17, 2020

52 N.J.R. 1621(a)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner


June 15, 2020

52 N.J.R 1827 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need

Call for Home Health Care Services


The Commissioner

July 1, 2020


June 15, 2020

52 N.J.R 1827 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need

Call for New Home Health Agencies


The Commissioner

July 1, 2020


May 18, 2020

52 N.J.R. 1087 (a)

Notice of Public Meeting Cancellation

New Jersey Drug Utilization Board

2020 Quarterly Meeting Dates

Human Services


Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services

April 22, 2020 CANCELLED

March 2, 2020

52 N.J.R. 485 (a)

Availability of Grants


The Commissioner

January 6, 2020

52 N.J.R. 79 (c)

Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend

New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board

2020 Quarterly Meeting Dates

Human Services


Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services

December 2, 2019

51 N.J.R. 1806 (a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking

Hospital Licensing Standards

Infection Control

Sepsis Protocols

N.J.A.C. 8:43G-14.9


The Commissioner


October 7, 2019

51 N.J.R. 1546 (a) 

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking

N.J.A.C. 8:43G-14.9

Sepsis Protocols


The Commissioner 


September 3, 2019

51 N.J.R. 1437(a)

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Programs


The Commissioner 


July 15, 2019

51 N.J.R. 1220 (a)

New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board

State Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report

Human Services


Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
Submit Comments by September 13, 2019

July 1, 2019

51 N.J.R. 1139 (a)

Medicinal Marijuana

Request for Applications – Alternative Treatment Centers 

Public Health Services

Division of Medicinal Marijuana


June 3, 2019

51 N.J.R. 899 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Transplantation


The Commissioner


June 3, 2019

51 N.J.R. 899 (c)

Medicinal Marijuana

Request for Applications – Alternative Treatment Centers

Public Health Services

Division of Medicinal Marijuana


May 6, 2019

51 N.J.R. 644 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Children’s Hospitals


The Commissioner
May 6, 2019

Notice of Administrative Correction

Hospital Financial Reporting

Hospital Licensing Standards:  Patient Rights

Hospital Financial Transparency

N.J.A.C. 8:96-1.2

Health Systems

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing

April 15, 2019

51 N.J.R. 509 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management


The Commissioner


March 18, 2019

51 N.J.R. 424 (a)

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Programs


The Commissioner


February 4, 2019

51 N.J.R. 177 (b)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking

Manual of Standards for Licensing of Ambulatory Care Facilities

Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology Services Quality Improvement Methods

Hospital Licensing Standards

Radiation and Radiation Oncology

Radiation Therapy Continuous Quality Improvement Methods

N.J.A.C. 8:43A-30.7 and 8:43G-28.19

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing

Certificate of Need and Healthcare Facility Licensure Program
February 4, 2019

51 N.J.R.178 (a)

Notice of Certificate of Need Call for Intermediate and Intensive Bassinets in Certain Counties Health
The Commissioner

Applications Due

June 3, 2019

January 7, 2019

51 N.J.R. 102 (a)

Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend

New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board

2019 Quarterly Meeting Dates
Human Services


Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services

December 3, 2018

50 N.J.R. 2434 (a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking

Manual of Standards for Licensing of Ambulatory Care Facilities

Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology Services Quality Improvement Methods

Hospital Licensing Standards

Radiation and Radiation Oncology

Radiation Therapy Continuous Quality Improvement Methods

N.J.A.C. 8:43A-30.7 and 8:43G-28.19

Health Systems

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing


October 15, 2018

50 N.J.R. 2177 (a)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking

Manual of Standards for Licensing of Ambulatory Care Facilities

Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology Services Quality Improvement Methods

Hospital Licensing Standards

Radiation and Radiation Oncology

Radiation Therapy Continuous Quality Improvement Methods

N.J.A.C. 8:43A-30.7 and 8:43G-28.19

Health Systems

Division of Certificate of Need and Licensing


September 17, 2018

50 N.J.R. 2030 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Pediatric Intensive Care Beds

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing


September 4, 2018

50 N.J.R. 1971 (b)

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Programs


The Commissioner


July 16, 2018

50 N.J.R. 1672 (a) 

Medicinal Marijuana

Request for Applications – Alternative Treatment Centers

Public Health Services

Medicinal Marijuana
May 21, 2018

50 N.J.R. 1306 (a)

New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board

State Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report

Human Services

Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services


 Submit Comments by July 20, 2018
March 5, 2018

50 N.J.R. 1001 (a)

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Program


The Commissioner

February 5, 2018

50 N.J.R. 869 (a)

Notice of Certificate of Need Call for Applications for 53 Additional Adult Acute Care Psychiatric Beds Health

The Commissioner


May 1, 2018

Application Due

February 5, 2018

50 N.J.R. 870 (a)

Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend

New Jersey Preventive Health Advisory Committee

Integrated Health Services

Division of Community Health Services

 February 9, 2018
January 2, 2018

50 N.J.R. 259 (C)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for New Home Health Agencies Health

The Commissioner

July 1, 2019

Next Scheduled Call

January 2, 2018

50 N.J.R. 260 (a)

Notice of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized-Long Term Care Beds for Pediatric Care Health

The Commissioner


April 1, 2018


Applications Due

January 2, 2018

50 N.J.R. 260 (b)

Notice of Certificate of Need for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management Health

The Commissioner


April 1, 2018


Applications Due

January 2, 2018

50 N.J.R. 260 (c)

Notice of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Ventilator Care Health

The Commissioner


April 1, 2018


Applications Due

January 2, 2018

50 N.J.R. 261 (a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Maternal and Child Health Services Health

The Commissioner


December 18, 2017

49 N.J.R. 4049 (a)

Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board 2018 Quarterly Meeting Dates

Department of Health


Department of Human Services, DMAHS


October 2, 2017

49 N.J.R. 3367 (D)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Burn Center Programs or Units


The Commissioner

April 1, 2021

Next Call

October 2, 2017

49 N.J.R. 3367 (C)

Notice of Certificate of Need Call for New Pediatric Intensive Care Beds


The Commissioner

January 2, 2018

Application Due

August 7, 2017

49 N.J.R. 2553 (a)

Notice of Invitation for Certificate of Need Applications for Designation as a Level II Trauma Center in Union County, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:33-4.1(a)2


The Commissioner

November 6, 2017

Application Due

 July 17, 2017

49 N.J.R. 2290 (a)

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Programs


The Commissioner


April 3, 2017

49 N.J.R. 676 (c)


Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New General Hospitals


The Commissioner

April 1, 2017

April 3, 2017

49 N.J.R. 676 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Burn Center Programs or Units


The Commissioner

April 1, 2017

March 6, 201749

N.J.R. 478 (a)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Comprehensive Rehabilitation Beds


The Commissioner

March 1, 2017

February 21, 2017

49 N.J.R. 343 (c)

Notice of Rescheduling of Certificate of Need Call for Applications for Adult Acute Care Psychiatric Beds pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:33-4.1 (a)(2)


The Commissioner

May 1, 2017

Application Due date

February 21, 2017

49 N.J.R.343 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Psychiatric Beds


The Commissioner


February 6, 2017

49 N.J.R. 286 (a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking

N.J.A.C. 8:27 Body Art Procedures

Public Health Services

Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health

Received October 30, 2016

February 6, 2017

49 N.J.R. 286 (b)

Public Notice

Availability of Grants

Department of Health Directory of Grant Programs


The Commissioner



Revised:  Correction of Administrative Error Omitting Hudson County in List of Geographic Areas to Be Served.

Notice of Rescheduling of Certificate of Need Call for Applications for Adult Acute Care Psychiatric Beds pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:33-4.1(a)(2)


The Commissioner

May 1, 2017

Application Due date

January 3, 2017

49 N.J.R. 146 (a)

Notice of Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking

N.J.A.C. 8:27 Body Art Procedures

Public Health Services

Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health

Received October 30, 2016

December 19, 2016

48 N.J.R. 2834 (a) 

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Pediatric Care


The Commissioner

 January 3, 2017

December 19, 2016

48 N.J.R. 2834 (b) 

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Regionalized Perinatal Services and Maternal and Child Health Consortia


The Commissioner

 January 3, 2017

December 19, 2016

48 N.J.R. 2833 (c)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Severe Behavior Management


The Commissioner

 January 3, 2017

December 19, 2016

48 N.J.R. 2833 (d) 

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Specialized Long-Term Care Beds for Ventilator Care


The Commissioner

 January 3, 2017

December 5, 2016

48 N.J.R. 2636 (a) 

Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend

New Jersey Drug Utilization Review Board

2017 Quarterly Meeting Dates

Human Services

Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services


January 11, 2017 

April 19, 2017 

June 21, 2017 

October 18, 2017

October 3, 2016

48 N.J.R. 2077 (d) 

Notice of Rescission of Certificate of Need for Applications for New Mobile Intensive Care Units


The Commissioner


September 19, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1972 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need call for New General Long Term Care Beds and Services


The Commissioner

July 1, 2016

Call is Cancelled

August 15, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1710 (c)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Pediatric Intensive Care Beds


The Commissioner

September 1, 2016


August 15, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1710 (b)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Home Health Agencies


The Commissioner


August 1, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1505 (a)

Public Notice

Availability of Grants

Directory of Department of Health Programs


The Commissioner



Subject to fund availability


July 18, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1468 (a)

Public Notice

Notice of Rescheduling of Certificate of Need Call for Applications for Mobile Intensive Care Units pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:33-4.1(a)2


The Commissioner

November 1, 2016

Application Due

July 5, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1395 (a)


Medicinal Marijuana Program


The Commissioner

August 1, 2016 to

August 31, 2016

June 20, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1332 (a)


Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Designation as A Trauma Center


The Commissioner

June 1, 2016


June 20, 2016

48 N.J.R. 1332 (b)


Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for New Mobile Intensive Care Unit Providers


The Commissioner

June 1, 2016


May 2, 2016
48 N.J.R. 692 (a)

Notice of Administrative Correction and Extension of Public Comment Period

Rules Implementing the Health Care Professional Responsibility and Reporting Enhancement Act

Proposed New Rules: N.J.A.C. 8:30

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing

Submit comments by July 1, 2016

March 7, 2016

48 N.J.R. 461 (a)

New Jersey drug Utilization Review Board

State Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report

Human Services Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services and

Department of Healthr

Submit Comments by

May 6, 2016

March 7, 2016

48 N.J.R. 460 (a)

Availability of Grants

Directory of Department of Health Programs


Office of the Commissioner


February 16, 2016
48 N.J.R. 339 (a)

Notice of Invitation for Certificate of Need Applications on an Expedited Review Basis for Additional Long-Term Care Beds Designated for Residents Diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease

Certificate of Need and Licensing

Application Due
March 15, 2016

January 4, 2016

48 N.J.R. 42 (a)

Notice of Administrative Correction and Extension of Public Comment Period

Proposed Readoption with Amendments: N.J.A.C. 8:56

Policy and Strategic Planning

Health Care Quality Assessment

Open Comment Period Extended to

March 4, 2016

December 21, 2015

47 N.J.R. 3164 (b)

Notice of Public Meeting

Invitation to Attend

New Jersey Drug Utilization Board

New Jersey Drug Utilization Board, 2016 Quarterly Meeting Dates

Joint Notice with
Human Services

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday, July 22, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

September 8, 2015
47 N.J.R. 2312 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Pediatric Intensive Care (PICU) Beds and Services

Certificate of Need and Licensing


April 6, 2015
47 N.J.R.742 (b)

Notice of Action on Petition for RulemakingRevision of N.J.A.C. 8:64 Medicinal Marijuana Program Rules

The Commissioner


April 6, 2015
47 N.J.R. 742 (a)

Availability of Grants, Directory of Department of Health Programs

The Commissioner


January 20, 2015

47 N.J.R. 300 (a)

Notice of Action on Petition for Rulemaking Revision of N.J.A.C. 8:64 Medicinal Marijuana Program Rules


The Commissioner


January 5, 2015

47 N.J.R. 232 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Call for Applications for Certificate of Need for Adult and Pediatric Comprehensive Rehabilitation Beds and Services

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing


January 5, 2015

47 N.J.R. 232 (b)

Notice of Cancellation of Call for Applications for Certificates of Need for Intermediate and Intensive Care Bassinets in Maternal and Child Health Consortia Regions and Changes in Membership of Maternal and Child Health Consortia

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing


January 5, 2015

47 N.J.R. 232 (c)

Notice of Cancellation of Call for Applications for Certificates of Need for Pediatric and Specialized Long-Term Care Beds and Services

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing


January 5, 2015

47 N.J.R. 233 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Call for Applications for Certificates of Need for Psychiatric Beds and Services

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing


December 1, 2014

46 N.J.R. 2378(a)

Medicinal Marijuana Program Rules


Office of The Commissioner


November 17, 2014

46 N.J.R.2286 (a)

Surgical Practice Registration Period

Health Systems

Certificate of Need and Licensing


August 4, 2014

46 N.J.R.1751 (b)

Examination Fees for Licensing Nursing Home Administrators


Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing Division

Effective 09/15/14

July 7, 2014

46 N.J.R. 1654 (b)

Availability of Grants Directory of Department of Health Programs


Office of the Commissioner

July 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

46 N.J.R.647 (b)

Notice of Invitation for Certificate of Need

Application for Maternal and Child Health Services, Regional Perinatal Center Designation, and Intermediate and Intensive Bassinets in Mercer and Contiguous Counties

Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing

Certificate of Need and Healthcare Facility Licensure

Applications due 07/01/14

Completeness Review Decision expected 10/1/2014

December 2, 2013

45 N.J.R. 2507 (a)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Calls for Pediatric Long-Term Care and Specialized Long-Term Care (that is, Ventilator, Behavior Modification) Beds and Services

Health Systems Branch

Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing Division

Effective 12/02/2013

December 2, 2013

45 N.J.R. 2507 (b)

Notice of Cancellation of Certificate of Need Call for Pediatric Intensive Care (PICU) Beds and Services

Health Systems Branch

Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing Division

Effective 12/02/2013

December 2, 2013

45 N.J.R. 2507 (c)

Notice of Postponement of Certificate of Need Call for Applications for Maternal and Child Health Consortia Change in Membership and Intermediate and Intensive Bassinets in Certain Maternal and Child Health Consortia Regions

Health Systems Branch

Health Facilities Evaluation and Licensing Division

Effective 12/02/2013


Last Reviewed: 7/3/2024