Lopatcong Township in Warren County has 1,049 acres in the Preservation Area and 3,672 acres in the Planning Area of the Highlands Region. The municipality submitted a Petition for Plan Conformance for both areas, which was approved by the Highlands Council on March 17, 2011. The municipality later submitted an amended Petition incorporating a Highlands Center Designation into its Planning Area lands. The amended Petition was approved by Council on January 19, 2012. This page contains links to documents related to the Township’s conformance with the Highlands Regional Master Plan.

WITHDRAWN: Proposed Highlands Center Designation Amendment (jointly with Pohatcong Township)

The Warren County Townships of Pohatcong and Lopatcong have jointly petitioned the Highlands Council for approval of amendments to their previously approved Highlands Center designations. Public Comments on this petition were accepted between February 12 and March 13, 2024. Three comments were received and a comment response document is included as Appendix 1 in the final report below, which details the petition's consistency with the Highlands RMP. This petition was withdrawn by both municipalities.

Work Funded by the Highlands Council

This section contains documents approved or adopted by Lopatcong Township that help implement Highlands Regional Master Plan at the local level. These deliverables were paid for through the Highlands Council Plan Conformance Grant Program. Please be advised that the most recent versions of municipal documents should be obtained directly from the municipality.

Amended Petition for Plan Conformance - Center Designation 2012

Lopactong Township's Amended Petition for Plan Conformance was approved by the Highlands Council on January 19, 2012.

Approved Petition for Plan Conformance

The Highlands Council approved Lopatcong Township's Petition for Plan Conformance on March 17, 2011.

Materials from Public Hearing

Council Approved Documents


Supporting Documents