Apprenticeship Committee

The SETC Apprenticeship Committee was created in 2019 to review and coordinate current policies and practices relating to registered apprenticeships. The Committee will develop, expand, support, validate and coordinate policies and practices that create a better understanding of registered apprenticeships to achieve the following:

  • Market the benefits of registered apprenticeship to all stakeholders;
  • Ensure equitable access to registered apprenticeship opportunities for all NJ residents;
  • Expand occupational offerings within identified demand industries;
  • Engage with employers to develop & incentivize a realistic approach;
  • Ensure repeatable structure exists between industry sectors;
  • Expand relationships with both Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Comprehensive High Schools;
  • Support career pathways that provide for growth on all levels for the individual (including financial); and
  • Strengthen partnerships with Higher Education to progress a model that include college credit for skills training acquired during apprenticeship, experiential learning based on past (formal) skills improvements, and stackable credentials that applies to county colleges & four-year educational institutions.