Shared Youth Vision Council
NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development's Career Services Request Form

Welcome to the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development's Career Services Request Form. We are here to support your employment and job training needs. Please tell us a little about the services you are interested in receiving by filling out the information below. One of our employment specialists will contact you soon to begin your journey to a satisfying and sustainable career.

New Jersey Workforce Development Career Services Center Request

SYVC Vision:

Providing and guiding youth to education, employment, retention of employment, and nationally recognized credentials.

SYVC Mission:

The Shared Youth Vision Council recommends policy services and components for programs that serve youth at the local level in the workforce system, and designs or assists in the programs and services that focus on youth workforce policy recommendations that best serve the needs of clients.  With a focus on ensuring quality services for NJ's youth, we will define success by the creation of a highly skilled, motivated, and conscientious workforce to help strengthen New Jersey's economic future.

We have learned from the past that there is no “magic bullet” approach to successful youth development. Experience has taught us that a holistic approach to youth development is critical for success, an approach that focuses on assets as well as barriers.

WIOA outlines a broad youth vision that supports an integrated service delivery system and provides a framework through which States and local areas can leverage Federal, State, local, and philanthropic resources to support ISY and OSY.

Under WIOA, local programs must make each of the following 14 services or “program elements” available to youth participants:

Connecting th dots

  • Tutoring, study skills training, instruction and evidence-based dropout prevention and recovery strategies
  • Alternative secondary school services
  • Paid and unpaid work experiences
  • Occupational skill training
  • Education offered concurrently with and in the same context as workforce preparation activities and training
  • Leadership development opportunities
  • Supportive services
  • Adult mentoring
  • Follow-up services
  • Comprehensive guidance and counseling
  • Financial literacy education
  • Entrepreneurial skills training
  • Services that provide labor market and employment information about in-demand industry sectors or occupations
  • Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training


The Shared Youth Vision Council is a state-wide body, formed in April 2013.  It is comprised of partners from public and private institutions, with a youth focus, from all areas of the state.  


Youth Homelessness and Employment Webinar 2023