This registry is being made available via the Internet for the sole purpose of giving you information that can assist you in protecting yourself, your family or others in your care. The local police and county prosecutor's office in the registrant's area of residence are aware that these subjects are in the community. If you believe any listed individual is a physical threat to you or those in your care or if you have any questions about the subject matter of this registry, please contact your local police or the Megan's Law Unit in the County Prosecutor's Office in the county in which the subject resides (as listed below).
Assistant Prosecutors or Criminal Investigators in the Megan's Law Units in each of their respective counties may be reached through the following addresses and telephone numbers:
Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office
4997 Unami Blvd.
P. O. Box 2002
Mays Landing, N.J. 08330-6350
(609) 909-7800
Bergen County Prosecutor's Office
10 Main Street, Room 215
Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
(201) 646-2300
Burlington County Prosecutor's Office
New Court Facility
49 Rancocas Rd.
P.O. Box 6000
Mount Holly, New Jersey 08060
(609) 265-5035
Camden County Prosecutor's Office
25 N. 5th Street, 3rd Floor
Camden, New Jersey 08102-1231
(856) 225-8400
Cape May County Prosecutor's Office
DN-110 4 Moore Road
Cape May Court House, New Jersey 08210
(609) 465-1135
Cumberland County Prosecutor's Office
43 Fayette Street
Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302
(856) 453-0486
Essex County Prosecutor's Office
Essex County Courts Building
50 W. Market Street
Newark, New Jersey 07102
(973) 621-4700
Gloucester County Prosecutor's Office
Justice Complex
Hunter & Euclid Streets
P.O. Box 623
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
(856) 384-5500
Hudson County Prosecutor's Office
Administration Building
595 Newark Avenue
Jersey City, New Jersey 07306
(201) 795-6400
Hunterdon County Prosecutor's Office
Justice Complex
65 Park Avenue
P.O. Box 756
Flemington, New Jersey 08822
(908) 788-1129
Mercer County Prosecutor's Office
Court House
P.O. Box 8068
Trenton, New Jersey 08650
(609) 989-6309
Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office
25 Kirkpatrick Street, 3rd Floor
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
(732) 745-3300
Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office
71 Monument Park
Freehold, New Jersey 07728-1261
(732) 431-7160
Morris County Prosecutor's Office
Administration & Records Building
P.O. Box 900
Morristown, New Jersey 07963-0900
(973) 285-6200
Ocean County Prosecutor's Office
119 Hooper Avenue
P.O. Box 2191
Toms River, New Jersey 08754
(732) 929-2027
Passaic County Prosecutor's Office
401 Grand Street
Paterson, New Jersey 07505
(973) 881-4800
Salem County Prosecutor's Office
Fenwick Building
87 Market Street
P.O. Box 462
Salem, New Jersey 08079-0462
(856) 935-7510
Somerset County Prosecutor's Office
40 N. Bridge Street
P.O. Box 3000
Somerville, New Jersey 08876
(908) 231-7100
Sussex County Prosecutor's Office
19-21 High Street
Newton, New Jersey 07860
(973) 383-1570
Union County Prosecutor's Office
32 Rahway Avenue
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07202-2115
(908) 527-4500
Warren County Prosecutor's Office
Court House
413 2nd Street
Belvidere, New Jersey 07823
(908) 475-6275
The Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) is New Jersey's child protection/child welfare agency. The mission of the Division is to protect children, support families, ensure permanency for children and prevent violence and family disruption. DYFS is responsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect and if necessary arranges for the child's protection and the family's treatment. Thirty-two district offices handle referrals and investigations statewide. In addition, DYFS operates a 24-hour hotline to receive reports of suspected child abuse and neglect during evenings, weekends and holidays. The Division of Youth and Family Services may be contacted at the following address and telephone numbers:
Division Of Youth & Family Services
P.O. Box 717
Trenton, N.J. 08625-0717
1-800-331-3937 (toll free) or
(609) 292-8312
County | Program | TTY | Hotline |
ATLANTIC | Atlantic County Women's Center | 609-645-2909 | 609-646-6767 800-286-4184 |
BERGEN | YMCA Rape Crisis Center | 201-487-0916 | 201-487-2227 |
BURLINGTON | CONTACT Rape Crisis Center | 609-234-8888 | |
CAMDEN | Services Empowering Rape Victims | 609-964-7378 | |
CAPE MAY | Coalition Against Rape & Abuse | 609-463-0818 | 609-522-6489 |
CUMBERLAND | Cumberland County Guidance Center | 609-455-5555 | 609-455-5555 |
ESSEX | UMDNJ Rape Crisis Program | 973-623-2323 | |
GLOUCESTER | People Against Spouse Abuse Standing Together Aiding in Recovery (S.T.A.R.) |
609-848-5557 | 609-881-3335 609-853-1200 |
HUDSON | Christ Hospital Mental Health Center | 201-795-5740 | 201-795-8375 |
HUNDERTON | Women's Crisis Services | 908-788-4044 | 908-788-4044 |
MERCER | YWCA Rape Crime Program | 609-989-9332 | |
MIDDLESEX | Rutgers Sexual Assault Services Roosevelt Rape Care Center |
732-932-2793 | 732-932-1181 732-321-6800 X466 |
MONMOUTH | Women's Center of Monmouth County | 732-203-0862 | 732-264-7273 |
MORRIS | Rape Crisis Services | 908-218-7775 | 973-829-0587 |
OCEAN | St. Francis Counseling Services | 609-494-0441 | 609-494-1090 |
PASSAIC | Passaic County Women's Center | 973-278-8630 | 973-881-1450 |
SALEM | Salem County Women's Services | 609-935-7118 | 609-935-6655 888-632-9511 |
SOMERSET | Rape Crisis Services of Somerset | 908-218-7775 | 908-526-7444 |
SUSSEX | Domestic Abuse Services, Inc. | 973-875-6369 | 973-875-1211 |
UNION | Rape Crisis Center | 908-233-7323 | |
WARREN | Domestic Abuse & Rape Crisis Center | 908-453-2553 | 908-475-8408 |
In addition to contacting the County Prosecutor or DYFS, if you suspect child abuse or neglect occurring in the State of New Jersey, you may also consider contacting any of the following resources to provide appropriate assistance:
Family Help Line | 800-THE-KIDS |
Child Abuse Reporting Hotline | 800-792-8610 |
The Governor's Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect |
609-292-0888 |
Center for Children's Support | 609-566-7036 |
State Office of Victim Witness Advocacy | 609-588-7900 |
Local Police Department | check local listing |
In other states, check the Blue Pages of your telephone directory for similar government offices and hotline numbers.