N.J.A.C.  13:75-1.14  
Manner of Payment next 
  1. All payments made by the Board shall be made in a lump sum amount. Except in the instances of death or protracted disability, the Board shall exercise its discretion in determining whether payments are to be made in a lump sum periodically.
    1. Where periodic payments have been ordered in a death case, the Board shall verify the dependency and financial status of the claimant at least every six months.  Upon discovering a change in circumstances, either by marriage or otherwise, the Board may adjust the award and payments accordingly. 
    2. Where periodic payments have been ordered in a protracted disability case, the Board may, at least every six months, verify the disability of the claimant to determine whether the claimant is entitled to continue to receive payments, either in the amount awarded or in such amount as the Board deems appropriate. 
    3. Where periodic payments have been ordered, the maximum period for said payments shall not exceed 60 months, unless otherwise determined by the Board.




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