New Jersey Department of Education

Statement of Assurance (SOA) School Submission Data

In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:26-12.4(i), all school entities, including NJ public school districts, charter schools, renaissance schools, jointure commissions, educational services commissions, approved private schools for students with disabilities (APSSDs), state-funded childcare facilities and receiving schools, must submit to the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) by June 30th of each year a statement of assurance (SOA) that lead testing and reporting was completed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:26-12.4.

School entities are required to post on their website all test results and notification letters of any exceedances for the most recently completed sampling of lead in school drinking water. As part of the required SOA submissions, school entities provide website links to the most recent test results, whether any samples exceeded the permissible lead action level and contact information for the school entity. The NJDOE does not collect analytical test results data.

Below are spreadsheets to provide parents and the public with the most recent lead in drinking water SOA submission data reported by school entities. The NJDOE reaches out to any school entity for missing or misreported SOA data. A missing or misreported SOA submission may be “pending” until new data is received. Spreadsheets are updated on a rolling basis and during each new school year.

Archived Submission Documents:

The following documents include historical SOA data submitted by schools. See above for the most recent Statement of Assurance School Submission data submitted by schools, which includes the most recent school provided website links of lead test results and other water quality information. 

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