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The following are the current New Jersey FFA State Officers. These members developed leadership at their home chapters and were elected to their current offices by their fellow FFA members at the last New Jersey FFA State Convention. As State Officers, these young people are responsible for spreading the word about FFA and providing leadership to students of Agricultural Education throughout New Jersey. They plan and present leadership conferences, local school visits, and the State Convention.


 The 2024-2025 State Officers are: William Rutherford, State Sentinel; Abrianna Portillo, State Treasurer Tyler Murnaghan, State Secretary; Niccolo Conte, State President; Nina Weiland, State Reporter and Allison Josielewski, State Vice President.




The New Jersey State FFA Officer team will travel thousands of miles this year by visiting New Jersey's 37 local FFA chapters to promote agricultural education and the FFA. With nearly 3,000 FFA members statewide, students are developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.