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The purpose of the Farmland Preservation Program is to preserve the state’s agricultural land base, helping to ensure the continued viability of New Jersey’s agricultural industry. By the close of 2004, more than 1,200 farms totaling approximately 133,000 acres had been permanently preserved statewide – including 50 farms covering more than 5,500 acres in the Pinelands. These preserved farms contribute not only to a secure land base for agricultural operations, but also to a host of other quality of life benefits not easily quantified in numbers or statistics. This is real progress in achieving the goals of the Agricultural Smart Growth Plan for New Jersey.

Moreover, the preservation of farmland makes good economic sense. First, it helps preserve the state's agricultural industry, which contributes more than $800 million in farmgate receipts annually. Second, preserved farmland is privately maintained and continues to contribute to the local tax rolls. Third, farmland is a positive tax ratable, requiring far less in public services than it generates in tax revenue.

The Garden State Preservation Trust Act provides for a 40/60 percent funding split for the Farmland Preservation Program and Green Acres Program. A provision in the Act that appraisals for farmland preservation purposes be based on either current zoning or that in effect as of November 3, 1998 – whichever yielded the higher value -- expired in June 2004.

The Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act signed into law in 2004 now provides that appraisals for farmland preservation purposes statewide be based on regulations and zoning currently in effect or in effect as of January 1, 2004 – whichever yields the higher value. This provision is in effect through June 30, 2009.

The State Agriculture Development Committee continues to work closely with county agriculture development boards, county planning boards and key municipalities on a more strategic, pro-active approach to prioritizing farmland preservation investments. The Strategic Targeting Project is coordinating farmland preservation efforts at all levels of government to make the most efficient and effective use of available resources in securing a bright future for farming and the agricultural industry, as a key component of New Jersey’s Agricultural Smart Growth Plan.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the delegates to the 90th State Agricultural Convention, assembled in Atlantic City, New Jersey on January 24-26, 2005, support the permanent protection of New Jersey’s farmland through the Farmland Preservation Program, a cornerstone of New Jersey’s Agricultural Smart Growth implementation efforts.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon the Governor, Legislature and Garden State Preservation Trust to recognize that the SADC has the jurisdiction and authority to coordinate and support agricultural preservation efforts statewide.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we strongly support the current 40/60 percent funding split for the Farmland Preservation and Green Acres Program under the Garden State Preservation Trust Act.

, that we support and encourage the further development of the SADC’s Strategic Targeting Program to assist municipalities and counties in identifying and preserving the most viable farmland.

, that we strongly support the continued preservation of New Jersey’s unique Pinelands farms.

, that we strongly encourage the SADC to continue to use the most recent comparable sales available when conducting appraisals, thereby ensuring land value and encouraging landowners to participate in the program.

, that we reaffirm that the Farmland Preservation Program was founded on the principle of equity protection – that landowners are entitled to receive fair-market compensation in exchange for the public’s benefit of preserving farmland and open space.

, that we urge the Governor and Legislature to revise the administrative funding support to the SADC from the Garden State Preservation Trust in an allocation formula equal to that of the Green Acres Program. This will improve the review time of easement purchase and other applications as well as increase staffing opportunities greatly needed in the right to farm program.

, that we support the review of county preservation programs to streamline and improve the process.