Grants for agriculture, conservation, or rural development are designed to accomplish specific objectives. Grant requirements for agriculture generally are for existing farm operations. For purchasing a farm or for operational expenses, loans are available.
Prospective grant applicants and grant recipients are advised that the Department of Agriculture does and will continue to adhere to the requirements contained in Circular 07-05-OMB, Grant Agreements - Agency Contracts.
All Grant applicants and recipients are directed to review the Circular in its entirety so they are able to comply with all Grantee responsibilities and requirements.
Questions about grants can be emailed to
The clickable links below provide information on grant opportunities and other assistance that might be of interest to members of the New Jersey agricultural community. Click on a link to access the information on the topic listed.
NJDA Grant Opportunities
The list that follows is the publication of NJDA notice of funding availability (NOFA) for purposes of N.J.S.A. 52:14-34.5. Each link below provides details about the listed NJDA grant opportunity, including information on the purpose for which the grant program funds can be used, who may apply for funding under the grant program, the procedure to apply for grant funds, and the deadline for application, along with other NJDA grant opportunity information.
Animal Waste Management Plan Outreach, Development and Implementation Grant
Wildlife Fencing Grants
Gleaning Grants
New Jersey Wine Industry Project Grants
Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey Mini-Grants
Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program Grants
Specialty Crop Block Grants
Specialty Crop Multi-State Program (SCMP) Grants
Spotted Lanternfly Grants for 2024-26
Underserved Farmers Network Grants
SADC Grant Opportunities
Soil and Water Conservation Grants
USDA Grant Opportunities
Farm and Food Workers Relief Grant Program
Farmers Market Assistance
Federal State Marketing Improvement Program
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE)
Value Added Producer Grants and Tools
Other Funding Opportunities
Energy Programs
Farm Bill Programs
Farm Credit East Ag Enhancement
New Jersey Junior Breeder Loan Fund
Organic Cost Share
Other Farming Assistance Information
Agricultural Credit and Finance
Disaster Assistance
Farming Opportunities
New Jersey Risk Management Crop Insurance Education
USDA EQIP Organic Initiative