The Next Generation Farmer Program was created to help new and beginning farmers address the challenges they face when getting started and to help them establish viable farming operations.

The overall goal is to develop and implement a collaborative, comprehensive system to identify, train, equip, and support the next generation of farmers in New Jersey. This includes providing support to a diverse range of potential next generation farmers in New Jersey, including those from farm families, newcomers from non-farming backgrounds, veterans, women, urban growers, and others in historically underserved communities.

The program is currently working to develop a detailed report on the challenges and barriers faced by next generation farmers, the current landscape of support, and recommendations for addressing the challenges and enhancing support. The Next Gen” team will be working closely with farmers, agricultural service providers, and other stakeholders in the agricultural community to gather input on these topics to inform the report and guide the development of the program. Please reach out to share your thoughts.

The report’s recommendations will be based on an analysis of the major obstacles and opportunities and could include the development of new programs, resources, and partnerships, as well as changes to policies, regulations, and statutes that could improve overall agricultural viability in New Jersey. The report is expected to be completed in Spring 2025.

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