The Next Generation Farmer Program includes the following support:

Current Services

Direct Assistance

  • The program provides direct assistance to next generation farmers through resource referral, technical assistance, networking connections, and farm visits.
  • If you are a new or beginning farmer who is in need of assistance and is not sure where to turn, please reach out to the Next Gen Program team.

NJ Land Link

  • NJ Land Link is an interactive website where farmers and landowners can search listings of farming opportunities available/sought, create a listing for themselves, and connect with other farmers and landowners regarding those opportunities.
  • New users who register on NJ Land Link and who request a follow-up to discuss resources will get a call from Next Gen Program staff to discuss their farming plans and to share resources and contacts relevant to their specific needs.

Collaborative Events

  • The program is working to collaborate with and support the efforts of agricultural partners, including those who are already working on next generation farmer issues. Collaborative events will be posted on this site and through social media.


If you have any questions about getting started in farming, establishing and maintaining a farm business, connecting with organizations, finding resources, using NJ Land Link, or other topics, please reach out to the Next Gen Program team.

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Future Programs

The Next Generation Farmer Program is currently being developed based on research and outreach to the agricultural community. This page will be updated with additional information and support as it is rolled out. The programs and resources that are developed might focus on mentorship, apprenticeship, access to land, education, succession planning, and overall agricultural viability.

To help guide the development of the program, including on these or other topic areas, please reach out and share your thoughts:

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