The Next Generation Farmer Program is conducting ongoing outreach to the agricultural community to get feedback from farmers, agricultural service providers, and others. The goal is to better understand the needs, concerns, and demographics of next generation farmers to help guide the development of the program.

In addition to one-on-one meetings and focus groups, the Next Generation Farmer Program has created online surveys to collect this feedback.

The surveys are designed to help gather information about the challenges and barriers faced by next generation farmers in New Jersey, what programs currently exist to support them, and what could be done to increase support statewide. The information that is collected will be used to help develop a comprehensive report and will include recommendations for enhancing support and improving the viability of agriculture in New Jersey. Answers to any demographic questions are purely voluntary.

To share your feedback, please choose and complete the survey that is most appropriate to you:
    1.  Next Generation Farmer -   
    2.  Established Farmer -
    3.  Agriculture Service Provider -
    4.  Other Interested Party -

If you have any questions or would like to share and discuss your ideas over the phone, please contact us.

Tendremos una versión de la encuesta en español.

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