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If you need help with your utility bills, are in danger of utility shut off or are currently disconnected, apply for one of the free utility grant programs below and inform your utility company immediately.
Don’t delay, apply for energy assistance today!
If you are having trouble affording your utility bills, there is good news! New Jersey offers a diverse portfolio of utility assistance and energy efficiency programs for low- and moderate-income households. See income limits and program information below:
Household Size |
Lifeline** |
1 |
$79,827 |
$47,896 |
$53,446 |
$37,650 |
2 |
$104,390 |
$62,633 |
$60,690 |
$51,100 |
3 |
$128,952 |
$77,370 |
$64,550 |
4 |
$153,514 |
$92,108 |
$78,000 |
5 |
$178,076 |
$106,845 |
$91,450 |
6 |
$202,638 |
$121,582 |
$104,900 |
7 |
$207,244 |
$124,345 |
$118,350 |
8 |
$211,849 |
$127,109 |
$131,800 |
*If you are income eligible for USF/LIHEAP, apply for those programs first and then if still in need seek additional assistance from the PAGE program.
**Lifeline determines income in terms of married or single only and is for seniors and the disabled.
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has a variety of programs that can help you with utility bills, rent and removal of lead hazards from your home. Use the anonymous "DCAid" screening tool to determine if you are eligible for assistance, and for more information on how to apply. |
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The Universal Service Fund (USF) provides monthly credits on electric and gas bills to help make bills more affordable. Credits are based on the amount you spend on energy that are over a certain percentage of income.
USF-Fresh Start: Eligible electric and gas customers with overdue balances of $60 or more will be automatically enrolled by their utility company into the Fresh Start program when they enroll in the USF program. Fresh Start provides forgiveness on the overdue balance amount that existed at the time of USF enrollment. Fresh Start is available once every five years. The gas and electric utility companies administer the Fresh Start program with oversight by the BPU. |
How do I receive Fresh Start forgiveness for my overdue balance? Each month a USF-Fresh Start customer pays only their current monthly charges in full, 1/12 of their Fresh Start overdue balance will be forgiven by the utility company. (Some utility companies forgive up to ¼ of the customer’s overdue balance once every three months). The utility company will send information to Fresh Start customers when they are enrolled explaining how the program works and updates regarding their status in the program. The customer should call their utility company with any Fresh Start questions but can reach out to the Board of Public Utilities at 800-624-0241 or file a complaint online at: if the customer cannot resolve the issue with their utility company.
How do I apply for USF and USF-Fresh Start? You can apply for USF in any of the following ways:*
*USF shares its application with the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). You can apply for both programs at the same time during the HEAP season (10/1 - 6/30), or apply online for USF only during the summer months.
Note: You cannot apply for Fresh Start, but if you are eligible you will be enrolled by your utility company and receive information about Fresh Start in the mail.
USF is administered by the Department of Community Affairs. Fresh Start is administered by the utility companies with oversight by the Board of Public Utilities. |
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) helps New Jersey households pay for heating costs and certain medically-necessary cooling expenses. Renters who have their heating costs included in their rent may also qualify. Applications for HEAP are accepted from October 1st through June 30th while funds last. The HEAP program shares its application with the USF program. For application options please see above “How do I apply for USF and USF-Fresh Start?”
HEAP is administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs |
The Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric (PAGE) Program provides relief on gas and electric bills for low- to moderate-income New Jersey households (see income limits above). Those who are income eligible for USF should apply for USF first before seeking supplemental assistance from PAGE. To self-screen for program eligibility, apply online, or print an application, please visit or call 1-866-657-4273.
NJ SHARES also provides assistance to income-eligible New Jersey households for paying their energy, telephone, broadband (internet), water, wastewater, tax, rent and mortgage bills. For more information, call 1-866-657-4273 or visit
PAGE is administered by New Jersey SHARES and is subject to availability of funds.
Note: Households with undocumented individuals may apply for USF, PAGE and HEAP described above. Please note that while HEAP requires at least one household member to have a social security number, this is not a requirement for the USF and PAGE programs. For more information, call 2-1-1. |
The Winter Termination Program protects specific categories of customers from having their water, wastewater, gas or electric shut off between November 15 and March 15 of each year.
These categories include:
Please call your utility company to request WTP protection. If you have any questions about WTP the utility cannot answer, please call the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities at: 800-624-0241. The Winter Termination Program is administered by NJBPU. |
Lifeline provides an annual energy benefit to qualified seniors and the disabled. The benefit can help eligible homeowners and renters with electric and/or natural gas costs. You can apply for Lifeline by using the NJSAVE application, available at For more information about Lifeline, call 1-800-792-9745, or click here.
Lifeline is administered by the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS). |
The New Jersey Comfort Partners Program is a free program that helps income-eligible customers reduce their utility bills through implementing cost effective measures which save energy and money while improving their home's safety and comfort at no cost to them. Through Comfort Partners, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) and your electric and natural gas utilities partner with you to reduce your energy use and utility bills, improve your comfort, and increase the health and safety of your home. For more information, click here or call (866) 378-4345. |
This solar program enables utility customers to participate in a solar energy project that is remotely located from their property. Call 866-657-6278 or visit
Sponsored by the NJ Board of Public Utilities' New Jersey Clean Energy Program.
The federal Lifeline telephone assistance program offers a monthly benefit of up to $9.25 towards phone or internet services for eligible subscribers (up to $34.25 for those living on Tribal lands). Eligibility is determined based on your income (135% or less than the federal poverty guidelines) or participation in other assistance programs. In general, if you participate in any of the following programs you also may qualify for telephone assistance: Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA), Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit, Tribal programs and Medicaid.
Telephone assistance is available to you if you are a qualified residential telephone customer. When you are seeking telephone assistance, please keep in mind that each telephone company and/or each program has different eligibility requirements, different benefits available and different restrictions. Some programs have restrictions on the optional services available to participants.
The following list of telephone service providers participate in Lifeline Assistance in New Jersey:
Please contact your local telephone company to participate in any of these programs. Also to find out more information, you may also call the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC), which administer Lifeline for the Federal Communications Commission by calling 888-641-8722 or by visiting their website