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Welcome! The Department of Children and Families’ Office of Diversity, Equity and Belonging (DEB) coordinates the work of the department’s Race Equity Steering Committee, develops and implements initiatives that promote equitable outcomes for children and families of color, builds the capacity of staff to respond effectively to structural racism, individual and implicit bias, and promotes culturally competent policy and practice within DCF and among its contracted services.

This has been an extraordinary couple of years, unlike any other in our lives, fraught with crisis that challenged us at work and in the world at large. In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating and disparate impacts, dealt with continued racial oppression, social injustice, and a divisive political landscape. Aligned with its strategic plan, DCF remains steadfast fulfilling its purpose and creating a lasting impact that matters for our staff, the families we serve, and our communities.

Our path forward is to provide transparency on our DEB data, progress to date, and goals for the future. As we continue to build an infrastructure of equity, we are committed to creating and implementing bold new initiatives that will reach our staff and support at-risk families. We are dedicated to fostering a community that provides for all individuals to have equitable and accessible opportunities to succeed and thrive.

Please explore the materials and resources we’ve made available and check back often for updates.

Monthly Diversity Calendar

Diversity Calendar -- June 2024

Access the June 2024 Diversity Calendar in PDF