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HazsiteSRP-EDI Manual4.0 Table Definitions & Field Definitions


4.0 Table Definitions & Field Definitions

The table definitions and field definitions for each table are shown below. The column titles “Required 11/14/2012 and before” and “Required 11/15/2012 and after” in the tables below refer to the field “Sampdate”. See HazSite Changes – Compliance Date Change Clarification for details. It is absolutely essential that these table formats are strictly followed.

4.1 The Dataset File (DTST)

The Dataset can be defined as the electronic equivalent of the cover page for the sampling and analytical results that are submitted to the SRP. The DATASET file provides basic information about the sampling event, including site description, investigation phase, consultant, submittal date, and other information. There should be only one record in each Dataset file. The Dataset may represent one or more sampling episodes at a site. For example, the sampling and analytical results of four rounds of quarterly monitoring (at the same site) can be submitted as a single dataset. Valid values are required for several of the DATASET table fields.

4.1a DTST Table Definitions

Position Field Name Aka Name Field Type Length Decimals Required
11/14/2012 and before
11/15/2012 and after
1 Directory - C 8    Y Y
2 Desc - C 40    Y Y
3 SRPID - C 24    Y Y
4 Consultant - C 40    Y Y
5 Phase - C 12      
6 Status - C 10      
7 Transmit - C 1      
8 Submitdate - D 8    Y Y
9 Packnum - N 2 0    
10 Contactnam - C 60   didn't exist Y
11 Contacttel - N 10 0 didn't exist Y
12 Contactext - N 10 0 didn't exist  
13 Contactema - C 254   didn't exist Y
C = Character, N = Number, D = Date/Time

4.1b DTST Field Descriptions

Descriptions of the fields are located on a separate page. Please click on the link to take you to DTST Field Descriptions.

4.2 The Sample File (HZSAMPLE)

The second file you will create is the SAMPLE file. The SAMPLE file contains information about each sample collected at a site. The information is roughly equivalent to field notes, and includes: sample number, date, matrix, field identification, location information, etc. There should be one sample record for each sample collected.
A unique sample record is created collectively by the following fields: the SRP ID, the Sample Date, and the Sample Number. Therefore, there can be identical Sample Numbers in a dataset as long as those samples were collected on different dates.  Valid values are required for several of the SAMPLE table fields. The required valid values are listed in Appendix 2.

A SRP ID is a unique identifier used to create a unique sample record.  Acceptable SRP IDs are:

  • Incident Number: An example of the Incident Number is 98-01-31-1422-35. This format represents YY-MM-DD, followed where available by HH-MM-SS where YY = Year, MM = Month, DD = Day, HH = Hours in military time, MM = Minutes, and SS = Seconds. Dashes may be omitted.
  • TMS Closure Number :A TMS closure number (ie C98-0001, N98-0001) is acceptable.
  • ISRA Number: A former ISRA number, E##### (ie : E99001 or E20040122)
  • EPA Number: EPA numbers (ie NJD######### or NJL#########) are acceptable.
  • Preferred ID: Sometimes referred to as SRP ID. Excepted formats are 012345 and G000012345. Preferred IDs are always 6 characters or 10 characters long.  Preferred IDs that are 10 characters long always begin with a “G”.

The preparer must name the Sample file HZSAMPLE.

4.2a HZSAMPLE Table Definitions

Position Field Name Aka Name Field Type Length Decimals Required
11/14/2012 and before
11/15/2012 and after
1 SRPID - C 24      
2 Sampdate - D 8    Y Y
3 Sampnum - C 50    Y Y
4 Samptime - C 25      
5 DupSamp SampDup C 1    Y Y
6 Matrix SampMatrix C 15    Y Y
7 Fieldid FieldLocId C 20    Y Y
8 Aocid - C 60      
9 Lat_degree - N 10 7 1 1
10 Lat_minute - N 8 5 1 1
11 Lat_second - N 6 3 1 1
12 Lon_degree - N 10 7 1 1
13 Lon_minute - N 8 5 1 1
14 Lon_second - N 6 3 1 1
15 Sp_x - C 14   1 1
16 Sp_y - C 14   1 1
17 Depth_top Depth_Samp_Top C 6   2 2
18 Depth_botm Depth_Samp_Botm C 6     2
19 GroundElev - C 6      
20 Well_elev WellElev C 6      
21 Samptype SamLocType C 15    Y Y
22 Datetolab - D 8    Y Y
23 Sampmethod - C 15      
24 Sampnote - C 254   5 5
25 Submitdate - D 8      
26 Qaqc - C 15      
27 Coordmeth - C 15   didn't exist 1
28 Coordnote - C 10   didn't exist  
29 GWDepthPri DepToGwPrior C 7   didn't exist 6
30 GWDepthPos DepToGwPost C 7   didn't exist 6
31 Screentop ScreenTopDepth C 7   didn't exist 7
32 Screenbot ScreenBotDepth C 7   didn't exist 7
33 Wellpermit - C 10   didn't exist 8
34 Srp_dir - C 8   didn't exist  
35 Samplabid LABID C 20   didn't exist  
C = Character, N = Number, D = Date/Time
    Required Fields
    1. Coordinate data should adhere to be one of the following.
    • SP_X, SP_Y.
    • LAT_DEGREE, LON_DEGREE as decimal degrees with sufficient decimals and LAT_MINUTE, LAT_SECOND, LON_MINUTE, LON_SECOND set to 0.
    • LAT_DEGREE, LON_DEGREE with LAT_MINUTE, LON_MINUTE as decimal degrees with sufficient decimals and LAT_SECOND, LON_SECOND set to 0.
    2. Data are required if sampling includes soils.
    5. An explanation is required here if the MATRIX and/or SAMPTYPE fields equal 'OTHER'.
    6. Data are required if sampling includes Monitoring Wells. 'N/A' is acceptable for potable wells and temporary wells.
    7. Data are required if sampling includes Monitoring Wells. 'N/A' is acceptable for potable wells without permit numbers.
    8. Data are required if sampling includes Monitoring, Potable or Temporary Wells. 'No Permit' is acceptable for potable wells without permit numbers and temporary wells.

4.2b HZSAMPLE Field Descriptions

Descriptions of the fields are locaed on a seperate page. Please click on the link to take you to HZSAMPLE Field Descriptions.

4.3 The Result File (HZRESULT)

The third file you will create is the RESULT File. The RESULT file includes the results of the analysis of the sample. Fields include the Sample Number, Sample Date, Lab ID, the name of the analyte or parameter, the concentration of the result, QA Qualifier, Method Detection Limit, etc. Valid values are required for several of the RESULT table fields. Some of the required valid value tables are listed in Appendix 3. Each analyte analyzed requires a result record.


  • Sample results should not include laboratory generated quality control samples. Examples of laboratory generated quality control samples are shown in Appendix 3.5 of this manual.
  • Sample results should not include the concentration of any surrogate standard (sometimes known as a system monitoring compound or a deuterated monitoring compound) or internal standards that might have been added to a normal environmental sample.
  • If a sample result must include laboratory generated samples, surrogates standards or internal standards use one of the appropriate RESULTTYPE values listed in Appendix 3 of the EDI manual.

*If a certified lab already completed a results file for you, it can be submitted to SRP as is.

The preparer must name the Result file HZRESULT.

4.3a HZRESULT Table Definitions

Position Field Name Aka Name Field Type Length Decimals Required
11/14/2012 and before
11/15/2012 and after
1 SRPID - C 24      
2 Sampdate - D 8   Y Y
3 Sampnum - C 50   Y Y
4 Labid Samplabid C 20   Y Y
5 Tdanalyz Danalyz C 20   Y Y
6 Labname - C 20     9
7 Njdlabcert - C 7   Y Y
8 Resulttype - C 1   Y Y
9 Analtparam - C 60   Y Y
10 Cas - C 15   Y Y
11 Filtunfilt FieldFilt C 1     Y
12 Conc - C 12   Y Y
13 Concunits - C 15   Y Y
14 Qaqual - C 16     10 & 11
15 Mdl - C 12   14 3
16 Quanttype - C 8   14 3
17 Quantlevel - C 12   14 3
18 Anlys_mthd AnlysMethd C 35   Y Y
19 QAQC QAQC_SDG C 15   4 4
20 Uncor_conc - C 12   4 4
21 Uncor_unit - C 15   4 4
22 Reten_time - C 8   didn't exist 12
23 Dilut_fac - C 12   didn't exist 13
24 Prep_mthd - C 35   didn't exist 10
25 Clnup_mthd - C 35   didn't exist 10
C = Character, N = Number, D = Date/Time

4.3b DTST Field Descriptions

Descriptions of the fields are locaed on a seperate page. Please click on the link to take you to HZRESULT Field Descriptions.

    Required Fields
    3. These fields must now be filled out for all rows in HZRESULT that are considered ANALYTES (HZRESULT.RESULTTYPE = 'A').
    4. Data are required if ANLYS_MTHD = 'TO-15'.
    9. Must be filled in if NJDLABCERT is not available.
    10. Provide data if available. If there is no data leave the field blank.
    11. A non-detect requires that QAQUAL = 'U'.
    12. Data are required for tentatively identified compounds and unidentified compounds. If the sample date is November 14, 2012 or earlier, the retention time is still required, but may be entered in the ANALTPARAM or CAS fields.
    13. Data are required if the sample has been re-run and diluted for any reason. see DILUT_FAC Definition.
    14. Either (MDL) or (both QUANTTYPE and QUANTLEVEL) must be filled out.