Advisory Committee Openings

As noted below, DRBC will be periodically accepting applications from interested parties to fill the posted “non-reserved” positions on its advisory committees. Please note that the Regulated Flow Advisory Committee does not include non-reserved members, so it is not included in the below table.


All candidates, including current members seeking reappointment, are asked to submit a resume and a cover letter stating their interest and qualifications to the Committee Liaison. All candidates are urged to familiarize themselves with the purpose of the committee – stated in the enabling Resolution for the committee of interest - as well as the Committee’s Practices and Procedures as posted on the respective committee webpages.

Committee Member
Term Application

Liaison Contact

Advisory Committee on Climate Change

Looking for three (3) members total from any of the following four (4) sectors:

Academic and research institutions

Environmental/ watershed organizations


Water/wastewater utilities

2-year Term Starting August 2024
Open Until Filled Kristen Bowman
Kavanagh, P.E.
Flood Advisory Committee       Amy Shallcross, P.E. 
Monitoring Advisory & Coordination Committee


    Elaine Panuccio
Toxics Advisory Committee       Jeremy Conkle, Ph.D.
Water Management Advisory Committee

County Water Agency

Environmental Organization

Water Resource Agency

 5-yr Term Starting July 1, 2024

Open Until Filled

Michael Thompson, P.E.  
Subcommittee on Source Water Protection (WMAC Subcommittee)

Drinking Water Utility eligible members (see Resolution 2024-05)

No term limits for members

Rolling; however, applications for the those who are interested in joining the subcommittee for the 2024 meeting are encouraged to apply by August 16, 2024.

Chad Pindar, P.E.  
Water Quality Advisory Committee




John Yagecic, P.E.

2016 Resolution

On March 16, 2016, the Commissioners approved a Resolution for the Minutes Establishing Consistent Practices Relating to Membership, Record-Keeping and "Green" Meetings for DRBC Advisory Committees (pdf 86 KB). All members serve at the pleasure of the Executive Director and the Commissioners.

Reserved Positions: Advisory Committee positions assigned (per the Commission resolution establishing the advisory committee) to a federal, state or regional government agency or a specific organization are hereinafter referred to as "Reserved" positions, are filled through coordination with the agency or organization to which each is assigned and have no prescribed duration.

Non-Reserved Positions: All other positions are "Non-Reserved" or "Other" and those positions will be filled as needed following public advertisement on the DRBC website following the process defined in the RESOLUTION of March 16, 2016.