Water Charging Program
Please Note: DRBC Accepting ACH Payments

The DRBC accepts electronic payments via ACH debit from your bank account for payments of $25.00 or more.

If you cannot make your payment, please email Elba.Deck@drbc.gov or call Elba at 609-883-9500 x201 to discuss an alternative payment schedule. 

Report Online

The mandatory online system is designed to simplify surface water use reporting, eliminate the need for the paper reports and generate an invoice for your reference and use in submitting payments.

Helpful Information to Get You Started With Online Reporting


Email swcinfo@drbc.gov if you have any questions about the online reporting system.


Click Here to Begin Online Reporting.

Regulations & Background


Basin Regulations - Water Supply Charges (pdf)


Between 1964 and 1974, the Commission authorized a system of water supply charges applicable to surface water uses to cover all the costs associated with making the basin water supply available and maintaining its continued availability in adequate quantity and quality over time.

Surface water charges provide the revenue stream the Commission needs to repay the debt service and operations and maintenance costs for its water supply storage in two federal multi-purpose reservoirs, Beltzville and Blue Marsh, as well as administrative and staff costs related to the protection and preservation of the basin's water quantity and quality.

Storage in Beltzville and Blue Marsh reservoirs is utilized in the Commission's lower basin drought operating plan.

Surface Water Rates

In accordance with the Commission's regulation codified at 18 CFR 420.41(c), on July 1 of every year, beginning July 1, 2017, surface water rates will increase commensurate with any increase in the annual April 12-month Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Philadelphia, published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics during that year.

In any year in which the April 12-month CPI for Philadelphia declines or shows no change, the water charges rates will remain unchanged.

Rates listed below are effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025.

As published in the Federal Register Notice announcing the rate adjustments (pdf) and online, the below surface water rates are effective July 1, 2024, and apply to surface water withdrawals beginning on that date:

Consumptive Use: $102 per million gallons

Non-Consumptive Use: $1.02 per million gallons

Reporting and Payment Schedule

Please submit reports and any payment owed by the dates below. Late charges of 1% per month will be applied after the due date.

Quarterly Reports

Post-1961 industries, water suppliers, and power companies:

  • First Quarter: April 30

  • Second Quarter: July 31

  • Third Quarter: October 31

  • Fourth Quarter: January 31

Annual Reports

  • Golf Courses: July 31*

  • Ski Resorts: April 30 (for preceding season)

  • Pre-1961 Entitlement Holders: July 31*

*Starting July 1, 2022, the annual reporting and payment schedule for surface water withdrawals has changed from a calendar year (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) to a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) to accommodate the DRBC’s mid-year rate change effective July 1 each year. Online reporting will commence on July 1 of each year for the previous fiscal year, and reporting will be due July 31.

Please contact swcinfo@drbc.gov if you have any questions.

Please Mail Payment To:

Delaware River Basin Commission
Attn: Operations Section
P.O. Box 7360, 25 Cosey Road
West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360

Questions? Please contact swcinfo@drbc.gov