Water Conservation Program
Why Conserve Water?

Reducing Water Use:

  • Provides significant economic and environmental benefits

  • Helps avoid or delay the imposition of drought declarations
DRBC Resolutions

The following conservation policies were adopted to reduce the demand for water.

  • Resolution 81-9 -- Requires applications for new water withdrawals subject to DRBC review under Section 3.8 of the Compact to include and describe water-conserving practices and technology designed to minimize the use of water by municipal, industrial and agricultural users.

  • Resolution 86-12 -- Requires metering, recording and reporting of all water withdrawals in excess of 100,000 gallons per day (gpd).

  • Resolution 87-6 (Revised) -- Requires water purveyors to develop and undertake leak detection and repair programs if they distribute water in excess of 100,000 gpd. Purveyors are responsible for submitting leak detection and repair plans for review and approval.

  • Resolution 87-7 (Revised) -- Requires water purveyors to install meters incident to the provision or maintenance of service at the retail level. Universal service metering was mandated by September 28, 1998.

  • Resolution 88-2 (Revision No. 2) -- Sets water conservation performance standards for plumbing fixtures and fittings. The regulation covers water closets, urinals, showerheads and faucets. State and local compliance was required by July 1, 1991.

  • Resolution 92-2 -- Requires water purveyors seeking DRBC approval for the new or expanded water withdrawals to submit water conservation plans with permit applications. Purveyors seeking approval for new or expanded withdrawals in excess of one million gpd shall evaluate the feasibility of implementing a water conservation pricing structure and billing program and include this evaluation in the water conservation plan.

  • Resolution 2001-8 -- Amends the DRBC's Comprehensive Plan and Water Code to establish water usage reporting requirements. Please note: Resolution 2001-8 superceded by Resolution 2009-1 (below) effective January 1, 2012.

  • Resolution 2009-1 (pdf) -- Amends the DRBC's Comprehensive Plan and Water Code to implement an updated water audit approach to identify and control water loss in the Basin. For additional information on the new water audit approach, please click here
Learn More About Water Conservation

U.S. EPA Water Sense (DRBC is a Water Sense Partner)

Logo for EPA WaterSense Partner.

  • WaterSense: An EPA Partnership Program

  • Drought & Water Sense

  • Watering Tips

  • Start Saving

  • WaterSense: When It's Hot

  • Water Sense Partner Info



American Water Works Association

Alliance for Water Efficiency

U.S. Water Alliance

DRBC Resources