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Municipal Clerk

05/22/2024   Alcoholic Beverage Retail Licensee Clearance Certificates (Renewal)
05/08/2024   Updated Local Public Contracts Law Reference Guide Now Available
04/01/2024   Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) Filing Process LFN 2024-08
03/07/2024   LFN 2024-06 CY 2024 / FY 2025 Transitional Aid to Localities
03/06/2024   CY 2024/SFY 2025 State Aid Certification
01/29/2024   2023 Director's Table - AMENDED
01/24/2024   LOSAP CY 2023 Annual CPI Adjustment - For Use in CY 2024
01/18/2024   DCA Lead Grant Program - Training for Lead Abatement and Remediation
01/11/2024   Update Required - Mayors' List, GovConnect Authorized Roles and Munici
12/07/2023   FY24 American Rescue Plan - Firefighter Grant Deadline Extension
12/13/2023   Updated User-Friendly Budget Template
10/02/2023   2023 Best Practices Inventory Is Live
11/22/2023   DCA Winter Termination Program Update
08/29/2023   N.J.A.C. 5:34-6.1 Amendment - Emergency Adoption & Concurrent Proposal
06/01/2023   Hearings on Service Charge Revisions by MUAs and Sewerage Authorities
04/12/2023   Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) Filing Process LFN 2023-08
03/08/2023   CY 2023/SFY 2024 State Aid Certification
02/17/2023   New One-Time Appropriations Cap Exceptions & Opioid Settlement Guidanc
02/13/2023   2022 Director's Table - AMENDED

Alcoholic Beverage Retail Licensee Clearance Certificates (Renewal) - 05/22/2024

Notice sent on behalf of ABC License Verification Unit, New Jersey Division of Taxation

Dear Municipal Clerk:

The Alcoholic Beverage Retail Licensee Clearance Certificates (Renewal) have been updated for the 2024 - 2025 season. As of today, Wednesday May 22, 2024, you can view which renewals have been issued and ready for you to print to allow for renewal.

Be aware, you must have a renewal clearance in order to pass your resolution for the 2024 - 2025 year. Should a licensee not have clearance, IMMEDIATELY contact the licensee, and advise them you have not received their renewal clearance.


All the licenses have been cleared except for the older licenses that were not cleared last year.

Please advise the licensee that they can either 1) contact the caseworker they are currently corresponding with at the New Jersey Division of Taxation or;

2) they can reach out via email to the ABC Licensing Unit at:

Statuses will not be discussed with the Clerks.

If there is a licensee that has transferred their license after December 31, 2023 and you have BOTH a Renewal Clearance in the name of the prior licensee AND an Alcoholic Beverage Retail Licensee Clearance Certificate (Transfer) to the current licensee in your possession, they are in compliance and can be renewed.

Should an active licensee obtain a renewal clearance and the final meeting before July 1, 2024 has passed, they must obtain an ad-interim to get them to the next meeting in order to continue to sell alcohol.

To view the list of licensees in your municipality and those cleared by Taxation, login to your myNJ/GovConnect account at and click the "Annual ABC License Clearance" link located in the GovConnect Links section. Here you will see all licensees that are clear or need to be cleared within your municipality.


       -  If you are a Municipal Clerk and DO NOT have a User ID and Password for login to the myNJ/GovConnect website, please email your

          request for a "GovConnect Authentication Code" to

       -  If you are a Municipal Clerk and HAVE a User ID and Password and CAN login to myNJ/GovConnect but DO NOT HAVE THE LINK "Annual

          ABC License Clearance," please email your request for a "GovConnect Authentication Code" to

NOTE: If you are an ABC SECRETARY, and do not have access to the listing for your municipality: Please email with information to set up your access.

Thank you,


ABC License Verification Unit

New Jersey Division of Taxation

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Updated Local Public Contracts Law Reference Guide Now Available - 05/08/2024

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) in partnership with Rutgers Center for Government Services (CGS) announces the publication of Version 2.1 of the N.J. Local Public Contracts Law and Regulations Reference Guide.

The Guide is an indispensable reference for all procurement officials and those other officials with procurement responsibilities. It contains the full text of the Local Public Contracts Law and various supplemental procurement regulations and other guidance material. It is the goal of DLGS and Rutgers CGS to provide periodic updates. You can review the changes and download the updated version here:

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Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) Filing Process LFN 2024-08 - 04/01/2024

Please be advised that Local Finance Notice 2024-08 (LFN) has been issued containing important information about the annual Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) filing process instructions for local government officers (LGO) that are listed on the 2024 Roster. Please distribute this LFN to each LGO. If new LGOs have been added for 2024, please be sure to provide the PIN along with the LFN.

LGOs can now file the FDS.  As a reminder, the statutory deadline for the FDS is April 30, 2024.

Thank you for your assistance in this process.

If you have questions that are not addressed in or, please see the Help resources at, e- mail, or call the Local Finance Board staff at 609-815-3904.

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LFN 2024-06 CY 2024 / FY 2025 Transitional Aid to Localities - 03/07/2024

The Division has posted Local Finance Notice 2024-06

Municipal Clerks, please forward this notice to Elected Officials: concerns the CY 2024 / SFY 2025 Transitional Aid Application Process for CALENDAR YEAR and FISCAL YEAR municipalities.

Transitional Aid is only available to communities experiencing extreme fiscal distress that would otherwise result in the municipality's inability to maintain essential services or pay debt service. If Transitional Aid is awarded, Transitional Aid program participants must comply with significant strictures and conditions including, but not limited to: the elimination of health care for all officers and employees other than those with full-time status; a ban on certain travel and other discretionary costs; requirements to obtain State approvals for hires as well as for certain contracts and initiatives; and the assignment of a Municipal Technical Advisor to assist the municipality in restoring fiscal health and maintaining program compliance.

Municipalities intending to apply for Transitional Aid should carefully review LFN 2024-06 and the CY 2023 CY 2024 / SFY 2025 Transitional Aid Application (available on the DLGS website) as soon as possible.

Deadlines are rapidly approaching.

Please note that this application is applicable for CALENDAR YEAR municipalities or FISCAL YEAR municipalities.

Notice sent to: Municipal Clerks, CFOs

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CY 2024/SFY 2025 State Aid Certification - 03/06/2024

On February 27, 2024, Governor Phil Murphy presented his proposed FY 2025 budget to the State Legislature. Under this budget, no municipality will receive less total State formula aid in support of its CY 2024 or SFY 2025 budget than it received in support of its prior year budget; except for the Municipal Relief Fund Aid issued in CY 2023/SFY 2024 that was a one-time appropriation.

The proposed FY 2025 State budget features a $7.2 million increase in Energy Tax Receipts Aid (ETR). For every municipality, this equates to a 0.5 percent increase over the ETR for CY 2023/SFY 2024. Under the proposed FY

2025 State budget, Garden State Trust Aid and Watershed Moratorium Offset Aid would be level.

For further details and to access the CY 2024/SFY 2025 State Aid certifications, please review Local Finance Notice 2024-05 at

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2023 Director's Table - AMENDED - 01/29/2024

Dear Municipal Clerk:

The Division of Taxation is required by law to distribute copies of the 2023 Table of Equalized Valuations to the Commissioner of Education, Municipal Clerks of each municipality and the County Tax Administrators of each County Board of Taxation, as per P.L. 1954, Chapter 86, N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.1 and N.J.S.A. 54:51 A-4(c). To view a copy of the 2023 Table of Equalized Valuations as Amended by the Tax Court of New Jersey, use the link below.


For questions, please e-mail


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LOSAP CY 2023 Annual CPI Adjustment - For Use in CY 2024 - 01/24/2024

Local Finance Notice 2024-01, accessible on the DLGS website at, provides municipalities and fire districts administering a Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) with information on LOSAP award increases and the annual cost of living adjustment to the maximum LOSAP award amounts.  For LOSAPs with automatic annual cost of living adjustments, the CY2023 CPI adjustment (for use in CY2024) is 3.5% for Municipal LOSAPs with a maximum LOSAP award of $2,023; and 6.9% for Fire District LOSAPs with a maximum LOSAP award of $2,070.

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DCA Lead Grant Program - Training for Lead Abatement and Remediation - 01/18/2024

The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) is currently seeking applicant municipalities for its DCA Lead Grant Program. DCA will select up to 25 municipalities interested in expanding their services to include lead abatement and remediation.

If your municipality is interested in expanding its services to include lead abatement and remediation but lacks trained staff or prior experience, DCA will train municipal staff through the DCA Lead Grant Program. To administer a DCA Lead Grant, your municipality will need the following four(4) designated positions: a certified Lead Paint Program Manager, a certified Lead Paint Construction Manager, a certified Lead Paint Technician, and a certified Lead Paint Intake Worker.

Municipalities selected to participate in this capacity building initiative will receive the following:
- DCA will provide and pay for training and certification for up to four (4) staff persons who will serve as the Lead Paint Program Manager, Lead Paint Construction Manager, Lead Paint Technician and Lead Paint Intake Worker. The
training will commence in March and take about one month to complete.
- DCA will provide your municipality with up to $5,000 for each staff person who attends and successfully completes the required training to help cover salary costs paid during the training (maximum $20,000 for four (4) staff).
- After successful completion of training, your municipality will be invited to a closed non-competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) only open and eligible for those that successfully complete the required training courses.

If your municipality is interested in applying for the DCA Lead Grant Program, please email Leo Li at by Friday, January 26th. Please note that not every applicant municipality will be selected for this opportunity.

DCA looks forward to working with municipalities to address lead-based paint in New Jersey.

Notice sent to: Municipal Managers/Administrators; Municipal CFOs; Municipal Clerks; Certified Public Works Managers (Municipal Clerks please forward this notice to Township Engineer and Construction Official)

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Update Required - Mayors' List, GovConnect Authorized Roles and Munici - 01/11/2024

Dear Municipal Clerk:

This notice serves as a reminder that your Municipal Contact list and Mayors' List updates are due no later than Monday, January 29, 2024.

As municipal roles change from year to year, we are requesting your assistance in updating the attached Mayors' List. Carefully review the attached Mayors' List information and be sure the spelling of the mayor's name is correct, the date reflects the end of the term of serving as Mayor, and the e-mail address is correct. Also confirm that the municipality's address and phone number are correct. If the information needs a correction, please respond to this email, with the updated information.

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) recently expanded its capabilities through GovConnect News so that the DLGS may continue its communication outreach with local government officials.

GovConnect News provides up to date, important information such as newly issued Local Finance Notices, E-Government to Government (EGG) Notices, updates on recently signed legislation, as well as other important DLGS news, reminders, dates and ensures that all the authorized roles are registered for GovConnect to comply with recently adopted amendments to N.J.A.C. 5:30-16.2 by the Local Finance Board. On the attached Excel file please provide the first name, last name, and email address for the following roles:

-              Business Administrator and/or Manager

-              Certified Public Works Manager (CPWM)

-              Municipal Auditor

-              Local unit's purchasing agent (QPA or non-QPA)

The following roles were already obligated to register for GovConnect. Please provide the first name, last name, and email address for them on the attached Excel file.

-              Clerk

-              Finance Officer

-              Tax Collector

-              Board of commissioners for each local authority (including regional authorities)

-              Fire Districts

Once the Excel file has been updated, please email it to

Attached are instructions for your convenience for updating the Municipal Contact List. A tutorial can also be found in the clerks document library.  Many State agencies use this information in their official correspondence with your community, so you must ensure it is correct and kept up to date.

If you are a new municipal clerk, please update your e-mail address as the local government entity representative for the Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) system by contacting the LFB by e-mail at

If you have not registered for EGG Notices, please email with your contact information. Without access, you will not be able to update the Municipal Contact List.

Notice sent to Municipal Clerks

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FY24 American Rescue Plan - Firefighter Grant Deadline Extension - 12/07/2023


FY24 American Rescue Plan - Firefighter Grant Deadline Extension

The Division of Local Government Services (DLGS) performed a review of the American Rescue - Plan Firefighter Grant applications in SAGE which reflect an extraordinary number of applications that remain in-process and not submitted.

DLGS is urging applicants to review their applications, make corrections if any errors are reflected and submit the application. Upon submittal, the applicant listed in SAGE should receive an email confirmation of their application submittal.

DLGS is extending the deadline for applicants who have applications in process to Thursday December 21, 2023 at 5:00 P.M. EST. Please note, the application deadline will not be extended again.

If your application is submitted, there is no further action required.

Applications must be submitted through the NJDCA SAGE Portal at:

Program Guidelines and detailed information about the FY 2024 ARPFFG Program is available at:

Attached are SAGE Application Instructions for your convenience. Please contact Stacey Taylor-Burnell at or Alessandra Case at with any questions.

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Updated User-Friendly Budget Template - 12/13/2023

The Division of Local Government Services has recently updated the User-Friendly Budget template. As such, all municipalities are required to utilize User-Friendly Budget version 2024.1, available on the FAST webpage: Municipalities are reminded that a User-Friendly Budget must be prepared for budget introduction, but uploaded and submitted to the Division via FAST only for budget adoption. When uploading to FAST, the User-Friendly Budget must be in its original Excel format.

Please contact Matt Gallello at with any questions regarding the User-Friendly Budget template.

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2023 Best Practices Inventory Is Live - 10/02/2023

The 2023 Best Practices Inventory is now live and can be accessed at All municipalities, including those on a State Fiscal Year or Transition Year budget cycle, must submit their completed Inventory to the Division by close of business on Friday November 3, 2023. Any appeals must be submitted by Friday October 27 to with the heading "Best Practices Appeal". No post-submission answer changes will be permitted. The Division must issue a final list of non-filers to State Department of Treasury shortly after the submission deadline to facilitate the final State Aid payment.

Local Finance Notice 2023-17 at provides important details. The Best Practices webpage at contains step-by-step instructions, an FAQ document, and an Excel-based Question List. These items are available under the

2023 Program heading. Users are encouraged to thoroughly review the Local Finance Notice, Instructions, and FAQ before completing the Inventory. 

The Excel-based Question List is available at

Please complete and file the Best Practices Inventory as soon as possible to ensure timely resolution of technical or substantive issues. Please email if you require technical assistance. CFOs should review the BPI Platform Roster of Officials to ensure the individuals listed as Chief Administrative Officer and Municipal Clerk are current.  If, upon logging in, the CFO does not see a BPI Link on the Home Page or a list of municipalities for which they serve as CFO, the CFO must seek technical assistance. For assistance regarding the Inventory questions, please contact

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DCA Winter Termination Program Update - 11/22/2023

Please review the Department of Community Affairs' November 17, 2023 Notice at

for updated information on the Winter Termination Program. The Winter Termination Program prevents service discontinuation for eligible residential customers receiving residential electric, sewer and water service from a municipal utility, local authority, or rural electric cooperative from November 15th through March 15th.  A residential customer qualifies for protection from shutoffs between November 15 and March 15 upon demonstrating they are:


- Recipients of LIHWAP;

- Recipients of LIHEAP, or certified as eligible therefor pursuant to standards set by the Department;

- Recipients of the Universal Service Fund (USF);

- Recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF);

- Recipients of Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI);

- Recipients of Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD);

- Recipients of Benefits under the Lifeline Credit Program;

- Recipients of General Assistance (GA) benefits;

- Residential customers unable to pay their utility bills due to circumstances beyond their control. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, unemployment, illness, medical-related expenses, recent death of an immediate family member, or any other circumstances that might cause financial hardship;

- A residential customer participating in any other State or local program that provides assistance specifically to help eligible customers pay, electric, water, or sewer bills.


The Winter Termination Program webpage at contains updated documents such as a flyer, template letter to residential customers, and a customer self-certification.  The adopted Winter Termination Program regulations at N.J.A.C. 5:45 are available at


Pages 4-7 of Local Finance Notice 2023-09 ( contains further critical details about the Winter Termination Program.


Notice sent to: Municipal Managers/Administrators; Municipal CFOs; Certified Public Works Managers; Municipal Clerks; Authority Officials; Tax Collectors

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N.J.A.C. 5:34-6.1 Amendment - Emergency Adoption & Concurrent Proposal - 08/29/2023

The Director of the Division of Local Government Services ((DLGS) has adopted on an emergency basis and concurrently proposed an amendment to N.J.A.C. 5:34-6.1 permitting municipalities that are under enhanced State oversight to award a multi-year emergency contract for solid waste collection and/or recycling collection, under certain circumstances, subject to Director approval. Pursuant to the amendment, a municipality is deemed subject to enhanced State oversight if the municipality is under the Transitional Aid to Localities Program or any successor discretionary aid programs for municipalities in fiscal distress (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-118.42a), State Supervision Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27BB-54 et seq.), Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27BBB-1 et seq.), Municipal Stabilization and Recovery Act (N.J.S.A. 52:27BBBB-1 et seq.), or a financial review board instituted pursuant to N.J.S.A.52:27D-118.30a. The Notice of Emergency Adoption and Concurrent Proposal is available on the DLGS Rules and Regulations webpage at under the Proposed Rules and Recently Adopted Rules headings.

Please submit written comments by September 20, 2023, via email to or by regular mail to:

Jason R. Martucci, Esq.

Department of Community Affairs

PO Box 803

Trenton, New Jersey 08625

If no further action is taken by October 1, 2023, the amendment will expire and N.J.A.C. 5:34-6.1 will revert to its prior form.

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Hearings on Service Charge Revisions by MUAs and Sewerage Authorities - 06/01/2023

Proposed revisions in the service charge schedule of a municipal utilities authority (MUA) or sewerage authority (SA) must be considered at a public hearing advertised at least 20 days after notice of the proposed adjustment and hearing is 1) mailed to the clerk of each municipality serviced by the authority and 2) published in at least two newspapers of general circulation in the area serviced by the authority. P.L. 2023, c. 39 amended N.J.S.A. 40:14A-8 and 40:14B-23 to allow an MUA or SA to provide a live recording of the hearing upon request to any interested party in lieu of a hearing transcript. The recording, which may be audio-only or with video and audio, shall be provided at no cost.

The full text of the law is available at

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Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) Filing Process LFN 2023-08 - 04/12/2023

Please be advised that Local Finance Notice 2023-08 (LFN) has been issued containing important information concerning the annual Financial Disclosure Statement (FDS) filing process instructions for local government officers (LGO) that you listed on your 2023 Roster. Please distribute this LFN to each LGO. If you added any new LGOs for 2023, please be sure to give them their PIN along with the LFN. 

Local government officers can now file the FDS. As a reminder, the statutory deadline for the FDS is April 30, 2023. The Board plans on issuing violations to non-filers at its June 14, 2023 meeting. The Board appreciates and recognizes the dedication of local government officers and employees.

Thank you for your assistance in this process.

If you have questions that are not addressed in LFN 2023-06 or LFN 2023-08 available at:,  please see the Help resources at, e- mail, or call the Local Finance Board staff at 609-815-3904.

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CY 2023/SFY 2024 State Aid Certification - 03/08/2023

On February 28, 2023, Governor Phil Murphy presented his proposed FY 2024 budget to the State Legislature. Under this budget, no municipality will receive less total State formula aid in support of its CY 2023 or SFY 2024 budget than it received in support of its prior year budget; except for the Municipal Relief Fund Aid issued in CY 2022/SFY 2023 that was a one-time appropriation.

The proposed FY 2024 State budget features a $9.9 million increase in Energy Tax Receipts Aid (ETR). For every municipality, this equates to a 0.7 percent increase over the combined Consolidated Municipal Property Tax Relief Aid (CMPTRA) and ETR for CY 2022/SFY 2023. Under the proposed FY 2024 State budget, 100 percent of CMPTRA will be converted to ETR. Municipalities will no longer receive state aid in the CMPTRA category - this aid will now be classified as ETR. Garden State Trust Aid and Watershed Moratorium Offset Aid would be level.

For further details and to access the CY 2023/SFY 2024 State Aid certifications, please review Local Finance Notice 2023-05 at

Notice sent to: County CFOs: Municipal CFOs: Municipal Clerks: Administrators/Managers

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New One-Time Appropriations Cap Exceptions & Opioid Settlement Guidanc - 02/17/2023

At its February 8, 2023 meeting, the Board approved the following appropriation increases in excess of 3.5% for the following CY2023/SFY2024 municipal budget appropriations:

- Garbage and Trash Removal and Disposal

- Recycling

- PERS and PFRS employer contributions

- Gasoline and Diesel Fuel

- Worker's Compensation Insurance

Please review Local Finance Notice 2023-04 at for further important details. Incorporating information from a prior GovConnect notice issued 10/28/2022, this Local Finance Notice also contains guidance for municipalities and counties on budgeting and reporting National Opioid Settlement proceeds.

Notice sent to: Municipal CFOs; County CFOs; Administrators/Managers; Municipal Clerks; Clerks - County Boards of Commissioners; Auditor Listserv

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2022 Director's Table - AMENDED - 02/13/2023

Dear Municipal Clerk:

The Division of Taxation is required by law to distribute copies of the 2022 Table of Equalized Valuations to the Commissioner of Education, Municipal Clerks of each municipality and the County Tax Administrators of each County Board of Taxation, as per P.L. 1954, Chapter 86, N.J.S.A. 54:1-35.1 and N.J.S.A. 54:51 A-4(c).  To view a copy of the 2022 Table of Equalized

Valuations as Amended by the Tax Court of New Jersey, use the link below.

For questions please e-mail

Thank you for your attention to this.


Notice sent to:  Municipal & County Clerks;(Please forward accordingly)

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Updated: 05/28/2024