Environmental Health

Post-Storm Tree Hazards: Resources for Homeowners and Workers/Employers

Downed trees from severe storms can block roadways, take down power lines, and damage homes and property. This can create very dangerous situations and makes the work to remove the trees and branches extremely hazardous. Tree work under normal conditions is hazardous already--storms worsen the threat by increasing the risks of falls, electrocutions, road hazards and more. Risks posed by contact with electrical power sources are high during storm cleanup when fallen power lines are not readily visible because of storm debris. In New Jersey, between 1991 and 2012, a total of 73 workers died while conducting tree-care activities. The leading types of fatal injuries were "struck by" (n=20), falls (n=14), and electrocutions (n=7). 

Homeowners are also at risk when they themselves take on the task of cleaning up downed trees and branches after a severe storm. This work should be left to licensed tree-care professionals.

For additional information consult the following resources:

  • Tree Work is Dangerous -- Don't Get Hurt, Get Trained! 
         English [pdf 678k]; Spanish [pdf 562k]
Last Reviewed: 9/9/2024