Environmental Health

Health Outcomes

Birth and Infant Outcomes

Birth and Infant Outcomes


Low Birth Weight



Birth Defects

NJDOH maintains a confidential registry of children with birth defects and special health care needs, and children who are at-risk of developing such needs. State law mandates reporting to the Special Child Health Services (SCHS) Registry any infant or child with a birth defect diagnosed from birth to five years of age.

The NJ Birth Defects Registry has recently published a statewide profile and county profiles of the most prevalent birth defects.

Additional information about birth defects and related intervention services is available from NJDOH at Special Child Health and Early Intervention Services,  or (609) 777-7778.

Cancer Tracking

The EPHT Network contains state and county counts of residents diagnosed with selected cancers which may be environmentally-related. The cancer indicators available on the New Jersey EPHT Network use data provided by the New Jersey State Cancer Registry. In addition, interactive cancer incidence maps for New Jersey are available.

More information on each type of cancer below can be found at the Mayo Clinic the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Health Medline Plus websites.

Last Reviewed: 6/11/2024