New Jersey Breast Cancer Research Fund

Mission Statement

To support innovative research focusing on the causes, prevention, screening, treatment and cure of breast cancer.


New Jersey has often had the dubious distinction of ranking in the top ten states in the nation for breast cancer incidence and mortality. To strengthen the battle against breast cancer, citizens and policy leaders joined together to establish an innovative funding source to fund additional breast cancer research projects in New Jersey. On January 26, 1995, New Jersey enacted Assembly bill A1701, an act establishing the "New Jersey Breast Cancer Research Fund".

Meeting the Breast Cancer Research Challenge in New Jersey

Citizens now have the opportunity to contribute to the New Jersey Breast Cancer Research Fund through a check-off box on their state income tax form and through Epay. The Fund is administered by the New Jersey State Commission on Cancer Research, which is the only state agency dedicated to eradicating cancer through scientific research. Monies from the NJ Breast Cancer Research Fund support innovative breast cancer research projects, training fellowships, and educational conferences. The legislation was initiated by the New Jersey Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc.

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Administration of the Fund
  • The Commission administers the Fund at no additional cost to the State. 
  • Grants are awarded through a competitive scientific peer review process.
  • Research projects focus on the causes, prevention, screening, treatment or cure of breast cancer and may include, but are not limited to, basic behavioral, clinical, demographic, epidemiological and psychosocial research (P.L. 1995, Chapter 26).
  • Grants assist researchers in obtaining additional funding from the federal government, foundations and private sources.
  • On average, for every dollar the Commission awards, more than ten dollars are returned to the state for continued research.
Last Reviewed: 7/18/2024