Becoming a Provider Agency
The Early Intervention System is not enrolling new providers at this time.
NJEIS opens enrollment opportunities when it identifies, through data analysis, the need for additional providers to meet the needs of enrolled children and families. As of December 2022, the NJEIS has 52 active provider agencies statewide.
All contracted provider agencies are required to provide services in accordance with Part C of IDEA (34 CFR 303) and the New Jersey Administrative Code Title 8, Chapter 17. Early intervention services are provided in natural environments and are designed to meet the concerns, priorities and resources of the child using the family engagement model of “engage and exchange” along with coaching and evidence-based practice strategies.
The goal of the NJEIS is to enhance the capacity the family to support their child’s development and learning. Providers interested in learning more about the expectations for NJEIS provider agencies are directed to the Provider Competency Standards and the accompanying self-assessment tool to evaluate your agency’s ability to meet the standards. The standards and assessment tool can be found at Department of Health | Early Intervention | Provider Standards (
Further inquiries should be directed to the NJ Department of Health, which is the Lead Agency for early intervention under Part C of IDEA.
New Jersey Department of Health
Early Intervention System
55 North Willow Street
4th floor
Trenton, NJ 08625
Main phone line: 609-777-7734.