New Jersey inspects licensed and certified health care facilities to ensure the safety of patients and residents and a consistent, high quality of care.
Hospital and outpatient facility inspections
Inspections or surveys, are conducted by a multidisciplinary team of nurses, pharmacists, life safety inspectors and other professionals. Inspections focus on access, continuity and comprehensiveness of patient care; patient rights; infection control and staffing levels.
In addition, the team might inspect medical records, observe patient care and interview patients. The inspection can take one day or several. When the inspection team cites deficiencies, the facility must, within 10 business days, submit a written plan of correction that details how and when it will correct each deficiency. If the deficiency is serious, NJDOH may issue a penalty.
Nursing home inspections
The Department of Health conducts about 500 inspections of nursing facilities each year and typically responds to 1,000 complaints. Nursing facilities are inspected without prior notice over a three to four-day period.
Inspection teams evaluate all aspects of resident care, facility procedures and practices. Compliance with more than 1,500 state and federal standards is assessed, focusing on the fitness and adequacy of the nursing facility. The team also reviews resident rights, access to care, dietary services, housekeeping and staffing.
A Guide to Community-Based Long Term Care in New Jersey This guide helps older adults plan for their future financial, health and housing needs. The guide describes programs that provide medical, financial, legal, and social service assistance. It also includes consumer checklists and helpful resources for those seeking help for themselves, a family member or friend. A printed copy may be obtained by contacting Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 1-877-222-3737.