Public Meetings




Maternal Care Quality Collaborative (MCQC) Public Meetings Notice

            In accordance with the state’s “Open Public Meetings Law,” P.L. 1975, c. 231, the Maternal Care Quality Collaborative (or, NJMCQC) will hold regular, quarterly meetings open to the public to discuss topics and resources related to improving maternal health for Black and Latina birthing people across all stages of pregnancy. 

            Consistent with the requirements of New Jersey Statutes Title 10. Civil Rights 10 § 4-9.1, electronic notice of the NJMCQC’s public meetings is also provided. Meetings may be conducted electronically or in-person. Formal action by NJMCQC members may be taken at these public meetings, but informal business that does not require full committee participation may take place during workgroup meetings and ad-hoc meetings closed to the public. Meeting materials, including the proposed agenda (to the extent presently known) can be found on the NJMCQC webpage. Any member of the public wishing to attend the next meeting may do so by following the instructions below. Future NJMCQC meetings will be held on:

2024 Meeting Dates:

Tuesday, March 26th

Tuesday, June 25th

Tuesday, September 24th

Tuesday, December 10th

Live transcription (closed captioning services) are available during all electronic NJMCQC meetings through Microsoft Teams. Attending an NJMCQC meeting does not authorize members of the public to a formal committee vote on formal action. Only appointed NJMCQC members and ex-officio designees can vote on formal action raised during public meetings.


For additional information about the NJMCQC, please email or visit the landing website,


Meeting Materials
Meeting Information

NJMCQC June 2024 Quarterly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST

Where: Microsoft Teams

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 237 025 115 927
Passcode: rsL66U

Or call in (audio only)


Phone conference ID: 270 270 811#

Last Reviewed: 6/19/2024