If you are interested in becoming a Medicaid provider, please visit www.njmmis.com for provider enrollment application information.
NJ FamilyCare State Plan services offer members, who are experiencing some degree of functional impairment, Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services to help them with aspects of daily living. PCA services are non-emergency, health-related tasks performed by qualified staff, such as certified home health aides.
The Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services' Personal Care Assistant Assessment Tool is intended to create a picture of the member who has limitations, abilities, disabilities, needs, and perhaps, some supports already in place. The PCA Assessment Tool is used by a Registered Nurse who understands that through careful observations of the member, the member's abilities and needs can be clearly defined.
Information about the attestation system for New Jersey's Medicaid EHR Incentive Program is available on the NJMMIS website. For general EHR Incentive Program information and details on provider eligibility, registration, and attestation, please visit http://www.nj.gov/health/njhit/ to learn more.
For help implementing an EHR and achieving meaningful use, the New Jersey Medicaid program strongly suggests that all Medicaid providers, and participating providers of Medicaid HMOs, contact and join New Jersey's Regional Extension Center (NJ-HITEC). NJ-HITEC is a not-for-profit entity funded by the federal Office of the National Coordinator to assist primary care physicians in the meaningful use of electronic health information record systems.