Image: NJDCISR Header
Who We Are
Response Capabilities
DCISR Button Confidentiality Clause

Contact between an Employee Assistance Program coordinator and a Department of Law & Pubic Safety employee is considered confidential. Information regarding an employee's use of the EAP may not be shared with any other party unless the employee provides written permission. The EAP is compelled to keep client information private as required by Federal law and regulation, and prevailing State and local laws.

Confidentiality is excepted in those instances when the employee/client has been determined to be a danger to himself/herself, or to others, and in instances where child or elder, abuse is suspected, as may be required by State reporting requirements and/or Federal law.

All records are kept confidential in a safe reporting system and only EAP coordinators have access to them. No written materials may be released to a third party without the client's written consent.


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