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Who We Are
Response Capabilities
DCISR Button 4U NJ 1st Services

What is 4U NJ 1st and how did it come about?

4U NJ 1st is a helpline provided through a grant from the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General's Division of Criminal Justice with services provided by UMDNJ/UBHC and a partnership between the New Jersey Disaster Critical Incident Stress Response (NJDCISR) and the UMDNJ/UBHC.


NJDCISR was established through a grant offered by the New Jersey Office of Victim Witness Advocacy. It allowed the Office of Employee and Organization Development (OEOD) and UMDNJ/UBHC to collaborate its efforts on First Responders victimized by disaster response after September 11, 2001.


The Services provided by this partnership include:

Peer Support: providing 24 hour, 7 days a week support by professionals who are trained to work on the hotline as peer supporters.

Self-Directed Learning Program: View our eLearning Self-Directed Learning Program on Critical Incident Stress Management.

Test Yourself for Signs of Stress, Anxiety. and Emotional Struggles:

Visit the Outreach Services page and familiarize yourself with our e-learning programs or download the different handouts as informational material.

For help and support, call our helpline to speak to a professional about the most effective ways to handle stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma - call 1-866-4U-NJ-1st and speak to a peer today.


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