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Dealing with Stress: Personal, Department/Job, Home & Family in the Aftermath of Disasters

A program developed in collaboration between the NJ Disaster Incident Stress Response and the Center for Public Health Preparedness at UMDNJ


  • Help first responders better understand stress and critical incidents
  • Increase awareness of self care and helpful resources
  • Recognize symptoms in one's self and in others
  • Not intended to certify or credential anyone in clinical care, CISM, or other related activity

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Dealing with Stress
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A Self-Directed Learning Program
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First Responder Virtual Academy
Secure access for NJ First Responders: Logon ID's and Passwords can be obtained through your county training academy coordinator or local Office of Emergency Management.
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An Introduction to Critical Incident Stress Management

A Self-Directed Learning Program

History has shown that employees may experience behavioral or personal problems, which if unresolved, can have a profound effect on their overall well-being and job performance. Consultation with and assistance to work organizations through organizational development processes can enhance management's value for quality performance.

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