Image: NJDCISR Header
Who We Are
Response Capabilities
DCISR Button Site Map

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Home Page


Who We Are
About the New Jersey Disaster Critical Incident Stress Response
Listing of Outreach Services provided by the NJDCISR
Graphic of the NJDCISR Response Capabilities (vehicle, trailer, temporary shelter, display booth)
About the Office of Employee & Organizational Development: Supervisory agency to the NJDCISR
Organizational Chart showing structure of the OEOD and where the NJDCISR falls within. Links to information on units including; the Critical Incident Stress Management Program (CISM) [responsible for DCISR], Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Management & Organizational Assistance (MOA), Chaplains (NJSP)
Statement that informs you of the confidentiality of conversations between you and the NJDCISR [covers OEOD and all units within]


Listing of Outreach Services provided by the NJDCISR, including links to highlights of our participation at upcoming outreach events [highlights] and a photo of our Display Booth
Information on the 1-866-4U-NJ-1st helpline and on the partnership between UMDNJ and NJDCISR: Includes services and resources that are provided from this partnership
Survey used for informational purposes only and solely intended to improve on future disaster responses


Response Capabilities
Graphic of the NJDCISR Response Capabilities (vehicle, trailer, temporary shelter, display booth)


Links to Organizations that the NJDCISR has a direct working relationship with or partnered programs/shared resources
Links to Organizations that provide information for First Responders


Listing of Hotline and Helpline Numbers
Located on the bottom footer of each page, this link provides a way for you to contact the webmaster for any issues related to this site.



©2004 New Jersey Disaster Critical Incident Stress Response Outreach | Response Capabilities | Contact | Who We Are | 4U NJ 1st