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The New Jersey Disaster Critical Incident Stress Response (NJDCISR) program and Office of Employee and Organization Development (OEOD) received recognition of support and dedicated services rendered to first responders of New Jersey during the following incidents/events:

To view photos from past events and responses go to our photo album.

December 14, 2001
  State of New Jersey Executive Department Proclamation issued by Acting Governor Donald DiFrancesco recognizing the Office of Employee and Organization Development for their service during the
September 11, 2001 World Trade Center (WTC) response.

Certificate of Recognition issued by Attorney General David Sampson recognizing the Office of Employee and Organization Development as a member of
NJ Task Force 1 - Urban, Search and Rescue (USAR) Team during the September 11th WTC response.

January 2, 2003
  Certificate of Unit Commendation issued by Acting Superintendent Frederick Madden recognizing outstanding performance by a specialized unit in the area of rescue and recovery as a member of
NJ Task Force 1 - USAR during the WTC response.
November 20, 2003
  State of New Jersey Executive Department Proclamation issued by Governor James E. McGreevey recognizing the New Jersey Disaster Critical Incident Stress Response (NJDCISR) Team for their service during the Tropicana Casino and Resort Building Collapse on October 30, 2003.
April 30, 2004
  Certificate of Appreciation issued by the New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association for NJDCISR participation for first responder outreach on critical incident stress management.
December 16, 2004
  Letter from the Office of the Governor issued by Acting Governor Richard Codey to the NJDCISR program for recognizing "First Responder Resiliency" within the state.
February 19, 2005
  Annual Innovation in Disaster Mental Health Award issued by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) for the New Jersey Disaster Critical Incident Stress Response (NJDCISR) program.
April 4-7, 2005
  Special recognition for participating in TopOff3 National Security Exercise throughout the entire State of New Jersey. An emphasis was stressed on mental health issues and concerns of the first responder statewide during a simulated response to a bio-terrorism scenario. Critical Incident Team members also participated with NJ Task Force One - Urban, Search and Rescue Team on a similar exercise in Connecticut.
April 29, 2005
  Certificate of Appreciation issued by the New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association for NJDCISR participation for first responder outreach on critical incident stress management
September 7, 2005 thru October 10, 2005
  NJDCISR and NJSP Critical Incident Team members were deployed to Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina as part of a critical incident stress management (CISM) contingent to service the New Jersey Louisiana Emergency Assistance Deployment (LEAD) Task Force.


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