New Jersey State Police Troop “C” serves the central jurisdictional portion of the state, with it’s headquarters located Hamilton Township, Mercer County. It covers from the Delaware River on the western portion of the Troop, across the state to the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast. The southern border of the Troop boundary extends to portions of Burlington and Ocean County, while the Troop Boundary to the north is in Middlesex County. The total area of coverage is 2,806 square miles, with a population of approximately 3.4 million citizens. The Troop consists of five (5) road stations along with offices at the New Jersey State Capitol Complex.
The five (5) Troop “C” Stations are responsible for twenty (20) municipalities in seven (7) counties in central New Jersey along with Fort Monmouth, the former military reservation located in Eatontown, Tinton Falls, and Oceanport. These stations patrol five (5) State Highways and 430 miles of three (3) major interstate highways, I-95, I-295, and I-195. There are five (5) Delaware River bridge crossings located in the Troop “C” area which are primary bridge responsibilities for Kingwood and Hamilton Sub-Stations. Troop “C” also has two (2) Tactical Patrol Units whose primary function is patrol assistance in the Troop "C" area. Additionally they conduct escorts, site security, respond to civil disorders and natural disasters.
Troop “C” personnel provide crowd control and traffic assistance to The College of New Jersey and Rutgers University Police Departments during sporting events.
There are a contingent of Criminal Investigation Office Detectives who handle all criminal investigations in Troop “C”. Upon request, they also assist other police agencies located in central New Jersey.
The Troop handles all major criminal investigations which may occur at any of the two(2) mental health facilities located in Mercer and Burlington counties.
Great Adventure Six Flags Amusement Park in Jackson is also within the scope of Troop “C”. During high profile music concerts and shows, personnel are assigned to assist various law enforcement agencies with traffic and crowd control.
The Office of State Governmental Security (OSGS) organizes, directs, manages and reports the activities of the Security Operations Unit, Statehouse Complex Security Unit, Investigations Unit, and R.J. Hughes Justice Complex Security Unit. The Office of State Governmental Security has formulated a layered security approach that effectively combines training, policy, procedures, and physical countermeasures to reduce the vulnerabilities associated with both street crimes ant terrorism. The OGSB also provides security for Adventure Aquarium in Camden, and two (2) State buildings located in Newark and Jersey City. This facilitates the flow of information to and from the various units supervised, and serves as a conduit for communication with other Division entities. They also process and issue permits to gather or use amplification equipment in or around State regulated buildings and grounds. OSGS is committed to providing security and protection to visitors, employees, and property within the State Capitol Complex. These critical services are provided in a professional, unbiased, and courteous manner. Realizing the importance of building agency partnerships, OSGS members are dedicated to the concept of service oriented policing.
Also sited within the Troop “C” area are thirteen (13) State Parks, including Island Beach State Park. The New Jersey State Police Training Academy and New Jersey National Guard Training Center are located in Sea Girt Boro, Monmouth County.
Bordentown Station
389 State Highway 130
Bordentown, NJ 08505
(609) 298-1171
(609) 291-8551 (FAX)
Hamilton Sub-Station
1400 Negron Drive
Hamilton , NJ 08691
(609) 584-5000
(609) 584-8115 (FAX)
Kingwood Station
945 State Highway 12
Frenchtown, NJ 08825
(908) 996-2864
(908) 996-7812 (FAX)
Red Lion Station
R.D. #6
U.S. 206 Red Lion
Southhampton, NJ 08088
(609) 859-2282
(609) 859-1432 (FAX)
Tuckerton Station - coordinates 39.60986 N – 74.32693 W
383 E. Main St.
Tuckerton, NJ 08087
(609) 296-3132
(609) 296-7080 (FAX)
Office of State Governmental Security
125 West State St.
Trenton, NJ 08618
(609) 777-4949
(609) 633-0622 (FAX)