

New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (P25)


P-25 is the most current public safety communications standard available today that enables interoperability among various jurisdictions from local to county to state and federal.

Municipalities that stand to benefit the most from the P-25 network are those that are either in the UASI Region
or are located in counties that do not have a countywide network. Counties or municipalities that have, or are planning to build, their own network can link to the NJICS to achieve statewide interoperability. There is a
significant cost savings to participating in the statewide network. Since it will be subscription based, there will
be virtually no infrastructure costs to network participants. Municipalities will benefit from the economy of scale
that can be leveraged with a single infrastructure. Equally important is that radio equipment will be interoperable
with surrounding or federal public safety entities. Network participants will be better able to communicate with
each other, obtain enhanced coordination of activities, and further improve upon response times.

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New Jersey State Police