New Jersey State Archives
225 West State Street-Level 2
P.O. Box 307
Trenton, NJ 08625-0307

Contact Information


Repro Services

The State Archives offers several alternatives allowing you to obtain reproductions of our materials. Please note that repro options are always dependent upon and determined by the condition of the item. Fragile items in need of conservation or available on microfilm might not be reproducible in their original form. Consult our Guide to Reproduction and Research Services, Policies and Fees [PDF] for general information about our policies and fees.

Mail Reference

Researchers can order photocopies of documents through the mail from a wide range of collections. This is done through our Search the Collections page. The Archives will provide the best photocopy available. We cannot guarantee image quality (due to the condition of the originals and the fact that most copying must be done from microfilm), nor refund photocopy and search fees.

Microfilm for Sale

The State Archives, from time to time, opts to publish groups of records on microfilm. Microfilm sets currently for sale include family history resources, revolutionary war documents, records of industry and labor (including Morris Canal records), and newspapers. Our publication of these materials in no way compromises or relinquishes the State Archives’ inherent copyright to the images of public records contained therein, or their status as government documents under the Open Public Records Act, New Jersey Statutes Title 47, and State Archives policy. All microfilm sales are for research purposes only. Purchase of these films does not entitle the buyer to publish or reproduce the images, online or otherwise, without express written permission from the State Archives.

Duplicates reels will be produced on diazo film.