New Jersey State Archives
225 West State Street-Level 2
P.O. Box 307
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Record Group: Department of Conservation and Development
Series: Photographs of the Delaware and Raritan Canal[Henry B. Kümmel Collection], 1935-1936
Accession #: 1994.027
Series #:  SCR00003
Guide Date: 5/1994 (JK)
Volume: 0.25 c.f. [40 photographs]


Content Note

This series includes 39 views of the Delaware and Raritan Canal taken during the period 1935-1936. The collection was compiled by Henry B. Kümmel, State Geologist and Director of the New Jersey Department of Conservation and Development, which administered the canal after it was acquired by the State in 1934. Nearly half of the views included show repairs to the Feeder Canal at or near the Prallsville Lock in Delaware Township, Hunterdon County.

The photographs were kept by Mr. Kümmel in a post-binder; all are mounted and labeled on loose-leaf sheets with the exception of one postcard found loose (item 37). For better preservation and ease of access, the photographs were removed from the post-binder and placed in plastic sleeves and acid-free folders.

The views are arranged roughly geographically from the northern end of the Feeder Canal at Raven Rock south to Trenton and Bordentown, and lastly Griggstown (3 views only). Location codes based on New Jersey Geological Survey quadrant numbers (1903 series) were noted on many of the views. These are included in the contents list below; however, their full meaning is not clear. The codes are apparently not related to canal tract numbers.

Finally, negative numbers were also noted for many of the photographs. While it is not known whether any of the negatives for this collection have survived, the information is included below for identification purposes.


(click on image below for enlarged view)

No. Caption


Entrance to Feeder above Raven Rock, seen from Pennsylvania side.
Date:  4/1935
Negative No.:  73-1


Raven Rock Lock wall and lower gate.
Date: 4/1935  
Negative No.: 73-3
3. Raven Rock Lock - part of wall.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-4
4. Repairs to Feeder bank below Raven Rock. East end of Tract 36.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-5 
5. Overflow in Feeder bank at Hoffman's gate below Raven Rock.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-6
6. Bridge and lock at Prallsville.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-7
7. Repairs to wall of Feeder at Prallsville Lock. Damage caused by March 1936 washout. Thompson Company, Engineers - a contractor.
Date: 3/1936 
Negative No.: 91-9
8. Repairs to washout at Prallsville.
Date:  [3/1936]
Negative No.: 91-10
9. Ruins of lower gate of the Prallsville Lock after the March flood, 1936, with debris left in the Feeder.
Date:  [3/1936]
Negative No.: 93-7
10. Repairs to canal bank, Prallsville, due to uprooted tree. Rebuilding the rip-rap along outer wall of Feeder embankment below the Prallsville Lock.
Date: 10/1936 
Location: -- 
Negative No.: 93-12
11. Damage to Feeder bank by uprooted trees, a short distance below the Prallsville Lock. Repaired by rebuilding rip-rap, as shown by 93-12 which represents an adjacent area.
Date: [1936] 
Negative No.: 93-13
12. Canal below the Prallsville Lock. Shows false work in lock for new cement dam (at left). At right - exit of the water discharge conduits on east side of lock. Discharge is controlled by gates at the upper end of these conduits. 2 large 36' pipes will extend through the dam as additional waste weirs for heavy floods.
Date: [1936] 
Negative No.: 93-15
13. Side of Prallsville Lock - stone masonry on timber cribs.
Date: -- 
Negative No.: 93-16
14. Building the concrete dam at Prallsville - top of temporary cofferdam, and side of lock wall.
Date: -- 
Negative No.: 93-23
15. Prallsville Lock Dam - concrete mixer.
Date: 10/1936 
Negative No.: 93-24
16. Prallsville - Charles Wilson passing wet concrete from cement mixer.
Date: -- 
Negative No.: 93-25
17. Re-enforcing rods - Prallsville Lock Dam.
Date: 10/1936 
Negative No.: 93-26
18. Prallsville Lock Dam - placing re-enforcing rods
Date: [1936] 
Negative No.: 93-28
19. Prallsville - pipes in bottom of dam. Shows drain pipes through the base of the dam before pouring the concrete. Pipes 36- or 40-inch diameter.
Date: [1936] 
Negative No.: 93-29
20. Pipes in the bottom of the Prallsville Dam.
Date: -- 
Negative No.: 93-30
21. Bottom of Prallsville Lock Dam - placing the southern end of one of the waste pipes. The other pipe is shown in upper lefthand corner of cofferdam timbers (extend diagonally across the picture).
Date: 11/1936 
Negative No.: 93-32
22. Prallsville - the cement mixer on a strike. Foreman Wilson bends over to see.
Date: 10/1936 
Negative No.: 93-33
23. Prallsville - cleaning the carborator. Sometimes the cement mixer "struck," and a council of war was held. "Dr." Charles Wilson to the rescue.
Date:  --
Negative No.: 93-34
24. Foundations of the concrete dam and lock at Prallsville - placing concrete, one of the drain pipes [2 copies].
Date: - -
Location:  --
Negative No.: 93-36
25. Barber's farm bridge, north of Lambertville.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-8
26. Lambertville - Ent property.
Date: 4/1935] 
Negative No.: 73-9
27. Farm Bridge No. 50 on Feeder, above the Workhouse.
Date: 4/1935
Negative No.: 73-10
28. Junction of the Main Canal and Feeder in Trenton [also shows Belvidere Delaware Railroad].
Negative No.: 88-
29. Junction of the Main Canal and Feeder in Trenton.
Date: 8/1936 
Negative No.: 88-18
30. Lock in Trenton.
Date: --  
Location: --  
Negative No.: 92-30
31. House at South Broad Street, Lock No. 5, Trenton.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-20
32. House at Lock No. 4, Lalor St., Trenton.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-19
33. House at Lock No. 3, below Trenton.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-18
34. House at Lock No. 2, below Trenton [2 copies].
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-17
35. Abandoned tug and barges, Bordentown.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-14
36. Houses at Bordentown end - Crosswicks Creek in foreground.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-15
37. Lock #9, Griggstown - west view [postcard to J. C. Person, Trenton].
Date: -- 
Location: --  
Negative No.: --
38. House at Griggstown, Bridge 19.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-21
39. Griggstown culvert - upstream side.
Date: 4/1935 
Negative No.: 73-22

Consult the Reference services page and/or the Guide to Reproduction and Research Services, Policies and Fees for information on reproduction of images included in this collection.

Created April 2004; Images added April 2008