The Governor’s Council on Substance Use Disorder administers the State's Alliance to Prevent Substance Use Disorder Program which is the largest network of community-based substance use disorder prevention coalitions in the nation, and the only one of its kind not just in New Jersey, but in the nation. Having thousands of stakeholders serving over 300 Alliances across New Jersey, uniquely positions the Alliance network to provide prevention programming, both statewide and at the most local levels, with 1.7 million actual participants including 400,000 youth and 30,000 older Americans, reaching millions of New Jerseyans across 465 municipalities, in all 21 counties.
Municipal Alliances are established by municipal ordinance and have been deeply integrated into New Jersey communities for over 30 years. Through longstanding, trusted relationships within their respective communities, the Alliances engage residents in the program’s prevention efforts, working with all sectors of the community including local government and county officials, individuals in treatment and recovery, families who have lost loved ones, families trying to guide loved ones into recovery, at-risk and underserved individuals and communities, educators and students, parents and community members, senior citizens, coaches and athletes, clergy and communities of faith, Veterans, law enforcement, local and statewide businesses.
The Council uses a data-driven formula to distribute funds to each county. Each county then uses a County Alliance Steering Subcommittee approved formula to distribute those funds to the municipalities. County and Municipal Alliance award recipients are required to match the Council grants with a cash-match of 25% of the award and 75% in-kind-services. This matching requirement is unique in the country and has the effect of doubling the impact of the Council grants for programs and activities.
County grant awards fund municipal Alliances, which plan for and develop evidenced-based and community level prevention strategies, to prevent substance use disorder in their communities.