Translator Disclaimers
To file a complaint, please complete the form below. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk ( * ).

* Account Type:
* First Name:
* Last Name:
  Business Name:
* Street Address:
* City:
* State:*
* Zip:*
* Daytime Phone: - - Ext:
  After hours Phone:
  Cell Phone:
* E-mail:

If different from the address above
  Mailing Address:
  Address 2:

  Service Switched
(Check all that apply):
Local Service
Regional Toll
Long Distance
* Telephone number that was slammed:
* Name of the phone company that slammed you:
* Name of your authorized local phone company:
* Name of your authorized long distance company:
A complete statement of the facts including whether or not you have paid any of the disputed charges and the specific relief that you want:* (Maximum of 1000 characters)

Consumers are encouraged to send in any documentation that would be helpful in resolving their complaint. However, Commission staff may request a copy of the page of the consumer's telephone bill that contains the alleged slam. Copies of bills can be sent to Board of Public Utilities 44 S. Clinton Ave, Trenton New Jersey 08625. You can also fax copies to 1-609-777-3329. Please refer correspondence to the Division of Customer Assistance, Bureau of Investigations.