Landlord-Tenant Information
Landlord-Tenant Information forms and publications available from this website are intended to assist both residential landlords and tenants to understand their rights and responsibilities. The principal publication is Truth in Renting, which is available in both English and Spanish. Landlords are required to distribute Truth in Renting to their tenants.
The booklet is available free and may be downloaded from this website. The booklet is no longer available for sale through this Department. Both landlords and tenants may print copies directly from this website for distribution.
Protected Tenancy income limits, as well as explanatory material, pursuant to both the Senior Citizen and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act and the Tenant Protection Act of 1992, are also available below.
Lastly, beginning March 20, 2024, every landlord must provide notice to prospective renters, including:
- whether the rental property is located in FEMA’s Special Flood Hazard Area or Moderate Flood Hazard Area; and
- actual knowledge that the rental premises or any portion of the rental premises, such as tenant parking spaces, have been subjected to flooding.
Flood Risk Notice [pdf]
- Condominium Conversion
- Eviction and Lease Termination
- NJ Eviction Law
- Eviction Relocation Assistance Regulations
- Grounds for Eviction Bulletin
- Lease Termination
- Disabling Illness, Accident, Death Law (Statute)
- Foreclosure
- Fair Eviction Notice Act
- Foreclosure, Tenants Rights Bulletin
- Foreclosure Notice to Tenants
- Habitability
- Landlord Registration
- Other
- Rent
- Security Deposits
- Truth-in-Renting
- Truth-in-Renting Act
- Truth-in-Renting Guide
- Truth-in-Renting Notice