About DRM

The Division of Disaster Recovery and Mitigation promotes the long-term resilience of New Jersey’s communities by supporting initiatives to fortify housing, businesses, and infrastructure against severe weather events and flooding damage. Such initiatives include the Mitigation Assistance Program, which provides homeowners in flood-prone communities with funds to elevate their homes out of harm’s way, and the Atlantic City Resilience Program, a joint effort with the City of Atlantic City to strengthen the city’s infrastructure and public buildings to guard against repetitive flooding.

The Division is the Responsible Entity for the more than $377 million in federal funds the State of New Jersey received to assist in recovery from Hurricane Ida and the more than $4 billion in federal funds the State received for Superstorm Sandy recovery. These funds come from the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and have been used to create Ida and Sandy recovery programs.

The Division is also the grant manager for the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFRF) and the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund, allocated to New Jersey through the American Rescue Plan Act. SFRF monies are designed to help address the COVID-19 public health emergency and its effects on the economy. SFRF accounts for approximately $6.2 billion of the COVID-19 portfolio. The Capital Projects Fund provides the State with an additional $195 million to ensure that all communities have access to modern infrastructure. The Division is responsible for overseeing the allocation of this funding and ensuring it meets all U.S. Treasury requirements.

elevated homes
Contact Us

  Phone : Constituent Services Office
      (609) 913-4824


        Division of Disaster Recovery and Mitigation
        PO Box 823
        101 South Broad Street
        Trenton, NJ 08625-0823