Office of Training & Certification

Provides statewide educational and training programs relating to all facets of the fire service. The Office has adopted 26 credentialing requirements for various positions within the fire service and provides training programs leading to statewide, national and international certification in those positions. Over 400 continuing education programs are delivered annually to approximately 16,000 stakeholders statewide to meet certification renewal requirements, and to further the training of the New Jersey fire service. This program coordinates the delivery of the U.S. National Fire Academy training programs delivered within New Jersey which cover various topics related to firefighting, incident command and emergency response. This Office coordinates statewide fire service training through county/municipal fire academies and community colleges.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundations

Fire Hero
Training & Advocacy
Be A Hero - Save A Hero Program
Online Learning Network

New Jersey Addendum

The New Jersey Firefighter Skills Addendum
The New Jersey Firefighter Skills Addendum - Part 2
The New Jersey Firefighter Skills Addendum - Part 3