State Rental Assistance Program

Welcome to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Statewide Open Enrollment Site for the


The SRAP waiting list opening for pre-applications has closed.

Please continue to check DCA’s website to see when new waiting lists will be opened in the future.

The New Jersey State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) is a state funded program that provides housing subsidies on behalf of very low-income New Jersey residents, for decent, safe and sanitary housing. Persons applying must meet all applicable SRAP income and eligibility requirements. A total of 6,000 households will be selected through a lottery system to be placed on the State Rental Assistance Program waiting list. You must be eighteen (18) years of age or older or be an emancipated minor to apply.  Please note that only New Jersey residents are eligible to apply for SRAP assistance. 

DCA has adopted the following preferences for admission to the waiting list: Veterans, Homeless, Elderly, Disabled, Local and Residency Preference (below are the detailed definitions). Applicants who qualify for one or more preferences will have priority for selection for placement on the waiting list.  United States Armed Forces Veterans, and their surviving spouses in accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 5:40-2.5., have the highest priority.  Individuals who claim to have a preference, must meet all eligibility criteria for a SRAP at the time of selection from the waiting list.

When:  The open enrollment period is Monday, January 13, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. until Friday January 31, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.  SRAP pre-applications will be selected through a lottery process, therefore, it does not matter when you submit your pre-application as long as you complete it during the open enrollment period.  Every pre-application successfully submitted during the open enrollment period has a chance of being selected during the lottery.

How: SRAP pre-applications are available only on-line.  Submission of a SRAP pre-application does not guarantee placement on the SRAP waiting list; only pre-applications selected via the lottery will be placed on the waiting list. One (1) SRAP pre-application per household per county will be accepted. Duplicate pre-applications will be rejected.  Paper pre-applications will not be distributed or accepted unless a reasonable accommodation is necessary.  Please contact DCA-DHCR at 609-292-4080 and select Option 9 from the menu and request a reasonable accommodation, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days a week, or email us at:, during the opening period.

Where: SRAP pre-applications can be submitted ONLINE with the use of a personal computer, laptop, smart phone, or tablet by going on-line at  Pre-applications will be accepted 24hrs a day, beginning Monday, January 13, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. until Friday January 31, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.    NO pre-applications will be accepted at the Agency.

Only one (1) SRAP pre-application per household will be accepted.

Applicants should select all preferences that apply to them.

Definitions of Preferences:

Veteran Preference: A Veterans Preference is defined as United States Armed Forces Veterans discharged or released from active duty in the armed forces under honorable conditions are eligible for the veterans' preference. This means you must have been discharged under an honorable or general discharge. The surviving spouse of a United States Armed Forces Veteran, who died outside of service, is entitled to the same preference as the United States Armed Forces Veteran, up until he/she remarries.

Homeless Preference: A Homeless Preference is defined as individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness; at risk of experiencing homelessness; fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking; or were recently homeless and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family's homelessness or having high risk of housing instability. For a complete definition of homeless see our Frequently Asked Questions and SEC. 103. [42 USC 11302].

Disabled Preference: A Disabled Preference is defined by (1) Documentation from the Social Security Administration that a member of the household is a disabled person who is receiving Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits; or (2) Certification from a physician, on a Certification of Disability Form that a member of the household is a person with disabilities.

Elderly Preference: Elderly is defined as the Head of household who is 62 years of age or older.

Local and Residency Preference: Local and Residency preference is defined as a preference for admission of families that reside anywhere in a specified area, including families with a member who works or has been hired to work in the area (“residency preference area”) and to include the DCA’ s determination that for the purposes of selection, residency will be decided on a county-by-county basis. For DCA, the specified area is New Jersey.

Information Required

Names, social security numbers, birthdates and income information for all individuals living in the household. An email address is required. If you do not have an email, the pre-application process will allow you to create one.  If you need assistance in another language the pre-application is available in 90 languages, which can be found at, at the top right of the pre-application.


In accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 5:40-2.5., the United States Armed Forces Veterans, and their surviving spouses have the highest priority for the waiting list.

Reasonable Accommodation:

The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) will extend reasonable accommodations to disabled individuals on a case-by-case basis and will take into consideration the disability and the need(s) of the individual(s). An individual can call DCA Applicant Service Unit at 609-292-4080, Option 9, if a reasonable accommodation is needed during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00p.m. seven days a week or email us at:  during the opening period.

Lottery Process:

The waiting list placement will be based on a computerized selection (lottery) process. Once the waiting list open enrollment period ends, pre-applications will be selected to be placed on the SRAP waiting list after sorting preferences. Submission of a SRAP pre-application does not guarantee placement on the waiting list, determine eligibility, or an offer of a SRAP Voucher.

Income Limits:

At the time of selection from the State Rental Assistance Program waiting list, applicants must meet the income limits of the county where they will be residing and provide proof of New Jersey residency. The Income Limits below represent the guidelines up to 8 household members. If you have a larger household, please contact DCA at 609-292-4080, select Option 9 for assistance in determining the maximum income limits for your household. The below Income Limits Chart show the income limits that are in effect now.



1 Person

2 Person

3 Person

4 Person

5 Person

6 Person

7 Person

8 Person

Atlantic 27,450 31,375 35,300 40,100 44,765 49,405 54,045 58,710
Bergen 36,275 41,450 46,650 51,800 55,975 60,125 64,250 69,110
Burlington 32,125 36,725 41,325 45,875 49,575 54,255 59,245 64,235
Camden 32,125 36,725 41,325 45,875 49,575 54,255 59,245 64,235
Cape May 30,975 35,375 39,800 44,200 48,140 53,030 57,945 62,835
Cumberland 25,250 28,850 33,185 38,125 42,640 47,130 51,620 56,110
Essex 36,525 41,725 46,925 52,125 56,325 60,500 64,650 69,360
Gloucester 32,125 36,725 41,325 45,875 49,575 54,255 59,245 64,235
Hudson 37,500 42,850 48,200 53,525 57,850 62,125 66,400 70,675
Hunterdon 40,950 46,800 52,650 58,475 63,850 67,850 72,525 77,200
Mercer 35,275 40,300 45,350 50,350 54,400 58,425 62,720 67,910
Middlesex 40,950 46,800 52,650 58,475 63,175 67,850 72,525 77,200
Monmouth 36,600 41,825 47,050 52,250 56,450 60,625 64,825 69,460
Morris 36,525 41,725 46,925 52,125 56,325 60,500 64,650 69,360
Ocean 36,600 41,825 47,050 52,250 56,450 60,625 64,825 69,460
Passaic 36,275 41,450 46,650 51,800 55,975 60,125 64,250 69,110
Salem 32,125 36,725 41,325 45,875 49,575 54,255 59,245 64,235
Somerset 40,950 46,800 52,650 58,475 63,175 67,850 72,525 77,200
Sussex 36,525 41,725 46,925 52,125 56,325 60,500 64,650 69,360
Union 36,525 41,725 46,925 52,125 56,325 60,500 64,650 69,360
Warren 32,250 36,850 41,450 46,050 49,775 54,380 59,370 64,360

Individuals selected by the lottery will be notified via email which may take several weeks.

Eligibility Review:

A screening of a tenant’s background history including criminal background checks will be conducted during the eligibility review process for all adult household members.


The SRAP pre-application is available in 90 languages., which can be found at .  At the top right of the Home page is a drop-down button that allows you to select different languages used for the SRAP pre-application.

At the time of selection from the waiting list, applicants must meet the Income Limits of the county where they want to reside and provide proof of New Jersey residency. All applicants selecting preference(s) such as, Veteran, Homeless, Elderly and Disabled must provide verification of their selected preference(s) at time of selection from the waiting list.

The United States Armed Forces Veterans, and their surviving spouses in accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.) 5:40-2.5., have the highest priority for this waiting list.

Before Lottery Status:
If your SRAP pre-application was successfully submitted you will receive an Application Receipt, placing you in an Active status.  However, this is only for submission for the pre-application.  After the lottery is conducted and if you were not selected your status will then go to Inactive status.

After Lottery Status:
information will be posted at: on or after February 14, 2025.  At this site, you can verify if you were selected for the waiting list.  For individuals who were accepted to the wait list via the lottery your status will be ACTIVE.  If you were not selected your status will be INACTIVE.

Please continue to check DCA’s website to see when new waiting lists will be opened in the future.