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Child and Family Services Plan/ Annual Progress and Services Reports

To receive federal funding under title IV-B, a state or tribal agency must submit a 5-year Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) and Annual Progress and Services Reports (APSRs).

The CFSP is a strategic plan that sets forth a state's or tribe's vision and goals to strengthen its child welfare system. It outlines initiatives and activities that the state or tribe will carry out over the next five years to administer and integrate programs and services to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The goals and objectives of the CFSP must address improved outcomes in the following areas: 

  • Permanency for children
  • Well-being of children and their families
  • The nature, scope, and adequacy of existing child and family and related social services

The Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR) provides an annual update on the progress made by states or tribes toward the goals, objectives and strategies in their CFSPs and outlines the planned activities for the upcoming fiscal year.

Programs covered by the CFSP and APSR include:

For more information on Federal CFSP/APSR, go to the Children's Bureau Web site: 

New Jersey’s 2025-2029 CFSP
New Jersey’s 2020-2024 CFSP
2024 Annual Progress and Services Report (APSR)

2024 APSR (4th APSR for the 2020 - 2024 CFSP)  
Updated 2020-2024 Foster and Adoptive Parent Recruitment Plan  
Updated 2020-2024 Training Plan  
Updated 2020-2024 Disaster Plan  
Updated 2020-2024 Health Care Oversight and Coordination Plan 

To read New Jersey's 2015-2019 final APSR report click on the following link:

NJ Final 2015-2019 APSR  

To read New Jersey’s 2020-2024 CFSP, relevant attachments and approval click on the following links:

NJ 2020-2024 CFSP  
Attachment A: Foster and Adoptive Parent Recruitment and Retention Plan 
Attachment B: Health Care Oversight and Coordination Plan  
Attachment C: Disaster Plan 
Attachment D: Training Plan 
Attachment E: CFSR PIP  
Attachment F: DCF Service Description  
ACF-CB approval response   

If you have questions about the CFSP/APSR please contact:

Federal Reporting Coordinator
Department of Children and Families
50 E. State Street
Trenton, NJ 08625 