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These materials regarding violence are free of charge and available by completing the PUBLICATIONS ORDER FORM.  


Preventing Bullying - Information For Parents
Bullying is not normal and never okay. That is the underlying message of this straightforward, photographically illustrated booklet. In clear, easy-to-read text it explains what bullying is; the forms it can take; and how it can affect everyone, from bullies to victims to bystanders. Describes the common signs to look for, and positive actions for parents to take if their child is bullying, being bullied, or witnessing bullying. 16 pages, 5 1/2" x 8". Available in English and Spanish. (Download not available.)

Alcohol, Other Drugs And Family Violence
Looks at the interplay between substance abuse and domestic violence. Readers learn about the types of family violence, the cycle of violence shown by abusers whether they are sober or actively abusing, and how alcohol and drug use by either abuser or victim can perpetuate the cycle of violence. The booklet details how this lethal combination impacts all family members, urges readers living in a violent home to get help immediately, and directs them to sources of assistance. Available in English only. (Download not available.)

Violence In The Family - It's Everyone's Concern
This booklet explores the types of violence associated with abusive home situations, factors that can lead to family violence, and the suffering caused by domestic abuse. Readers get the facts and encouragement needed to support programs that help families keep their home safe; readers in abusive situations learn strategies for breaking free from a violent home. 16 pages, 5 1/2" x 8". Available in English and Spanish. (Download not available.)


How Violence In The Family
Affects Children
With more photos than ever, this easy-reading booklet helps readers understand the link between domestic violence and child abuse. It explains the positive effects a healthy family life has on children as well as the risks posed by domestic violence. It also describes the problems children from violent homes can suffer, helps parents build positive parenting skills, tells how to teach children to cope emotionally within a violent home, and lists sources of information. Available in  Spanish only. (Download not available.)