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Click HERE to learn more about services and programs offered by the Division on Women.


Click on the links below for Annex A and other program specific reports.


ANNEX A Instructions for Providers



Should be completed and signed by the managing agency (host agency) of your program.  The questions and information asked in this section pertain to your host agency NOT your specific program.


SECTION 2 OF THE ANNEX A:  This section asks questions ONLY about your specific program.  Some of the questions have been pre-filled for you.  Please complete/answer the remaining areas with grey shading.

Displaced Homemaker Programs
DH Homaker Programs - Annex A-Section 2  


Domestic Violence Direct Service Programs  
DV Direct Service Programs Description, Section 2.2   

Domestic Violence Housing First Program  
Required Performance and Staffing Deliverables  

Domestic Violence Liaisons
DV Liaisons - Program Description, Section 2.2  

Sexual Assualt Services (SASP) Formula Grant Programs

Sexual Assault Abuse and Rape Care (SAARC) Programs   
Annex A - Section 2 for SAARC   

SAARC Primary Prevention Expansion Program
Annex A – Section 2 for SAARC PPE  

Sex Offense Set Aside (SOSA) Programs
Annex A – Section 2 for SOSA  

PALS (Peace: A Learned Solution)  
Outcomes, Section 2.3