Diesel Enforcement
About Us
The Diesel Enforcement Project provides enforcement services pertaining to mobile sources - motor vehicles and equipment. New Jersey has over 5 million registered cars, trucks buses and other vehicles.
Inspections and investigations are primarily complaint-based but include targeted and random surveillance which is coordinated with county agencies (CEHA) and the Air C&E regional offices. Enforcement actions, as well as education and outreach efforts, are directed at individual, fleet, and corporate levels, and include government agencies.
What We Do
While our primary focus is on diesel-powered vehicles, we have several initiatives pertaining to both the diesel and gasoline regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:27-14 and 15):
- Manage the New Jersey Anti-Idling Program. Visit StopTheSoot.org for more information.
- Oversee the Special Over-Time Idling Project - an elective grant-funded program where idling enforcement activities are performed by County Environmental Health Agencies outside of normal work hours
- Handle Smoking Vehicle Complaints
- Perform periodic inspections of on-road vehicles for emissions, except for publicly-owned emergency vehicles such as fire, police and first aid.
- Ensure that vehicles have a properly- functioning and properly-maintained emission control apparatus
- Ensure that emissions control devices are not disconnected
- Monitor Public fleet vehicles (municipal, county, state, federal, military) for compliance with inspection, idling, and emission standards, except for emergency vehicles
- Check for compliance with the Mandatory Retrofit Program (N.J.A.C. 7:27-32) which requires publicly-owned diesel-powered vehicles, and those under contract to public agencies, to be equipped with diesel particulate filters
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