Bureau of Underground Storage Tanks Compliance and Enforcement
UST Operator Training is now available. Click here
The UST Registration Information Lookup report - displays the Registration Status and the Expiration Date for the UST (Underground Storage Tank) registration number entered.
About Us
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Compliance & Enforcement is a component of the Division of Waste Enforcement, Pesticides and Release Prevention. This program component is dedicated to enforcing what are commonly referred to as the “operational compliance” requirements for UST systems and minor source vapor recovery systems, found in N.J.A.C. 7:14B and N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.3 and 16.3. These include, but are not limited to, the Registration requirements in Subchapters 1 & 2, General Performance and Operating Requirements in Subchapter 4 & 5, Release Detection Monitoring requirements in Subchapter 6, Release Reporting and Investigation requirements in Subchapter 7, Out-Of-Service and Closure requirements in Subchapter 9, Contractor Certification requirements in Subchapter 13 and Financial Responsibility requirements in Subchapter 15.
What We Do
The functions of the UST Compliance and Enforcement program include:
- Provides compliance assistance
- Performs UST facility inspections
- Investigates regulated UST related complaints
- Administers the UST Certification program and monitors compliance by the licensed individuals
- Issues enforcement documents that may include penalty assessments
- Negotiates return to compliance schedules and penalty settlements
- Assists the Attorney General in developing enforcement cases and testifies in court
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